Blocking Dungeon Cooldown in DF Frame #58

  • Defect
  • New
Assigned to elkano
  • magumbasauce created this issue Jul 8, 2010

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Leave a dungeon group created using the Dungeon Finder to trigger "DF cooldown".
    2. Open Dungeon Finder. Frame will most likely show you able to click the "Find Group" Button. Clicking "Find Group" will result in the chat window error message of: You can not queue for random dungoens while on random dungeon cooldown.
    3. /reloadui
    4. Open DF. Will now show an overlay that has the cooldown until you are allowed to queue.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    There was no overlay with the cooldown and I was able to click the "Find Group" button.

    What version of the product are you using?
    2.2.5-r150, latest version. I update all addons through the Curse Client.

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I am fairly sure this addon is the problem. I put in a ticket about this a few weeks ago and was told that it is working properly and I should see the overlay and I should have a debuff. They used to use the debuff for the requeue of the DF, but they got rid of that in a recent patch. The reason I'm fairly sure this addon is what is causing this problem, even though I did not go through the test each of my addons, is because I observed the overlay being removed. It happened just as one of my buff expired. I observed this on my mage and when my Molten Armor buff expired while I had the DF open, the overlay disappeared with 2 minutes and some seconds left. I clicked the "Find Group" button and received the error message above. Also what leads me to believe this is the addon in question is because the DF CD used to be a debuff, which again is no longer, at least not a typical debuff, and this is the only addon I have handling any sort of buffs/debuffs.


  • magumbasauce added the tags New Defect Jul 8, 2010

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