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Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
2.2.5 - r150
When you right-click on buffs, you get an blizzard error.
!BugGrabber - r155 Ace2 - r1101 Ace3 - Release-r971 Atlas - Atlas v1.17.2 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.11.07 AtlasQuest - Fan Update - 4.5.0 Beta BadBoy: Anti Spam Automatic Reporter - v6.154 BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat - v3.12 BadBoy_Levels: Filter Whispers By Level - v2.75 Bagnon - 2.14.0b (No Guild Bank) Bartender4 - 4.4.12 ButtonFacade - 4.0.340 ButtonFacade: Caith - 4.0.62 ButtonFacade: LiteFlat - ButtonFacade: LiteFlat ButtonFacade: Sleek - ButtonFacade_Sleek4.0 ButtonFacade: Trinity - 40000.1 ButtonFacade_Darion - ButtonFacade_Darion_3.0.3 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.62-r4564 Deadly Boss Mods - Vanilla and BC mods - DBM-v4-r198-BC-Vanilla-Mods Decursive - DrDamage - 1.7.8_release Elkano's BuffBars - 2.2.5 - r150 epgp (dkp reloaded) - epgp-5.5.22 ForteXorcist - v1.966.2 Gatherer - Gatherer 3.1.16 GathererDB WoWHead - 2009.09.12 GearScore - GearScore 3.1.20 - Release IceHUD - Mage Nuggets - 2.05 Mapster - 1.3.11 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.5.88 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.11 OmniCC - 3.1.4 PallyPower - v4.0.16 Power Auras Classic - 4.4 Quartz - 3.0.4 Quartz: Procs Module - v3.33 QuickMark - 3.14159265 RangeColors - 2.1.4 Recount - v4.0.1c release RecountFailBot - v3.1e stable RecountThreat - v4.0.1 release Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) - v. SexyMap - v1.2.4 Shadowed Unit Frames - v3.3.1 SharedMediaAdditionalFonts - 1.0.4-release Tankadin2 Aura - Tankadin2 Plugin for DBM - r004
The Type it wrong, its an defect.
i think the follow links
help you by the Problem.
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