Elkano's BuffBars
EBB provides groups of statusbar style indicators to show (de)buffs currently affecting your char or some other units (currently focus, pet and target). For the player, it can also show indicators for temporary enchants place on it's weapons.
Due to changes Blizzard made with WoW 4.x it's no longer possible to cancel buffs without the use of secure frames. Currently EBB limits canceling of buffs to out-of-fight since using SecureAuraHeader would have required a major code restructuring. This will be coming in a later version.
Version 2.x is a total recode based on the Ace2 framework which became necessary in order to support some of the longtime wanted and suggested features. It's now possible to show different groups of bars which can be configured in many ways. Each group can be assigned an individual look and filter settings. EBB can be configured via a dropdown menu which is accessible via chat (/ebb config), FuBar plugin or (for the group settings) by right clicking the groups anchor. After setting up a group, its anchor can be hidden by alt-left clicking a bar or the anchor itself in order to lock the group in place.
In order to get additional bar textures and fonts for EBB simply install SharedMedia which is available for download under http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/sharedmedia.aspx
If you have bug reports or feature request, create a ticket: http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/create-ticket/
You can also check my thread at the WoWAce forums: http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?t=5290
The most recent development version of EBB is available directly from the WoWAce SVN via http://www.wowace.com/projects/elkbuffbars/files/
I really hope there will be a SL update for this addon. My whole UI is dependant on it 😰
Edit: Had some issues where some debuffs were not appearing in the whitelisted options but has since resolved itself on logging out.
Is there some way to skin the buff bar icon with Masque? I'm not a big fan of Blizzard's default icon borders :/
Which version of the addon are you working with? I'm using 2.6.0 0 - r 196. I've tried that update and getting the below error. No other addon loaded except for Ace 3.
Message: ...\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:519: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Sep 23 22:30:35 2020
Count: 1
Stack: ...\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:519: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:519: in function <...\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:513>
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:126: in function `Acquire'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars.lua"]:149: in function `OnEnter'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua"]:77: in function <...Ons\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:60>
Locals: tooltip = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
scrollChild = <unnamed> {
scrollFrame = <unnamed> {
key = "ElkBuffBars"
backdrop = <table> {
backdropColor = <table> {
edgeSize = 16
tileEdge = true
backdropBorderColor = <table> {
tileSize = 16
edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border"
tile = true
bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background"
insets = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
scrollChild = <unnamed> {
scrollFrame = <unnamed> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
backdropColor = <table> {
edgeSize = 16
tileEdge = true
backdropBorderColor = <table> {
tileSize = 16
edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border"
tile = true
bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background"
insets = <table> {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)"
GameTooltip = GameTooltip {
BottomLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
OnBackdropLoaded = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:205
textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
GetBackdropColor = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:443
SetCurrencyToken = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:475
RightEdge = <unnamed> {
textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText"
ApplyBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:347
SetBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:382
ClearBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:335
TopOverlay = <unnamed> {
GetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:462
GetBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:400
SetUnitDebuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetBorderBlendMode = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:319
comparing = false
SetUnitBuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
BottomRightCorner = <unnamed> {
shoppingTooltips = <table> {
TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 {
0 = <userdata>
ItemTooltip = <unnamed> {
SetupTextureCoordinates = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:267
OnBackdropSizeChanged = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:235
BottomOverlay = <unnamed> {
Center = <unnamed> {
HasBackdropInfo = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:331
textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
BottomEdge = <unnamed> {
GetEdgeSize = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:241
updateTooltip = 0.117000
textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText"
TopEdge = <unnamed> {
TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 {
TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 {
SetUnitAura = <function> defined =[C]:-1
TopRightCorner = <unnamed> {
TopLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
backdropInfo = <table> {
needsReset = true
SetupPieceVisuals = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:299
SetBackdropColor = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:452
LeftEdge = <unnamed> {
TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {
AcquireTable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:493
labelProvider = <table> {
cells = <table> {
cellMetatable = <
In reply to roweboy1974:
The line with SetBackdrop needs to be replaced by the following:
and make sure that you have the BackdropTemplate on the immediate preceding CreateFrame
Tried this. I must have done something wrong. I see 1 entry in EBB_Bar and 2 in both EBB_BarGroup, and ElkBuffBars
Is that correct?
Guess this is abandoned. That's too bad. I loved this mod.
In reply to roweboy1974:
While I haven't been actively playing much the past months, I'm still around... (but as lazy as ever 🙈)
In reply to Elkano:
LOL... I feel you! Hopefully Shadowlands will motivate you!
In reply to Elkano:
I'm still using your addon and it works for me. Thanks!
In reply to Elkano:
Playing Warlock in the PrePatch and seems the whitelisting is missing debuffs such as Agony and Corruption. Are you planning to do an update or can we add these ourselves to the code? Thanks
In reply to SHOWT1M3TV:
The settings for black-/whitelist only show spell effects/auras you encountered that session. So engage an enemy or a target dummy and they should show up (unless something changed with the patch, wasn't able to test, yet).
In reply to roweboy1974:
It works fine in the Shadowlands beta if you add
at the end of the CreateFrame calls in EBB_Bar, EBB_BarGroup, and ElkBuffBars lua files, just before the closing bracket.
In reply to OttoDeFe:
Wish I knew enough to do this. I am looking at the files using Note++ right now but cannot figure out where to place that additional info.
In reply to Johnny_Utah71:
Search for the string createframe and then change
This line is 538 in the ElkBuffBars.lua Ignore the </br> Dunno why they're there.
In reply to OttoDeFe:
Thanks for taking the time to explain! I'll work on this tonight and see if I can get them working.
I would like to be able to set a specific MAX number per row on buffs / debuffs. When the value is reached, it will continue on a new row.
Best regards
Hi - please can you help me with this! I would like a way to display the bars even when my buff has run out (like it can be grayed out). Right now if a buff drops off, the bar disappears.
That way if I have 15 buffs, and I see one buff isnt ticking anymore and is grayed out, then I can easily see which one needs to be applied (vs seeing 14 bars ticking and then not having any ideas which buff is missing).
Please help! Thanks. Fantastic mod BTW. Always loved it (used it in TBC).
In reply to modsforall:
Some please help! Thanks.
Hello. Just downloaded and am currently setting up the add on. I seem to have a "Blessing of Demonstration" at the bottom of all my groups. Is there a way to get rid of this?