All Namespaces
- Add this location to TomTom waypoints
- Always show
- Color of the tracking circle.
- Enable: %s
- Hide %s quests except for categories checked below.
- Icon Alpha
- Icon Scale
- Ignore quests given by %s
- Ignore the main status filter and don't show completed quests.
- Ignored %d quests
- Meet level requirement
- Minimap Icon Tooltips
- Never show
- Only show quests that you meet the level requirement for
- Only while tracking
- Override Main Status Filter
- Quest Givers
- QuestGivers Pin Options
- Show %s quests
- Show Minimap Icons
- Show Nodes on Minimap Border
- Show Tracking Circle
- Show World Map Icons
- Shows more Nodes that are currently out of range on the minimap's border.
- The alpha transparency of the icons
- The distance in yards to a node before it turns into a tracking circle
- The scale of the icons
- Toggle showing Minimap icon tooltips.
- Toggle showing Minimap icons.
- Toggle Showing of Categories
- Toggle showing the tracking circle.
- Toggle showing World Map icons.
- Tracking Circle Color
- Tracking Distance