Tainting global _ #152

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser1093118
  • _ForgeUser30210 created this issue Nov 8, 2012

    What Quest were you trying to do?
    not applicable, running challenge mode

    What Category was this Quest in?
    not applicable

    What faction are you?
    alliance, but irrelevant

    What game Locale do you use?
    english, but irrelevant

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    Install the addon and enable it.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    query.lua line 4 taints global _

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    Small version: (taint.log)
    11/8 23:57:05.125  Global variable _ tainted by EveryQuest - Interface\AddOns\EveryQuest\query.lua:4

    Long version:
    1x FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:670: WatchFrameLine16:SetPoint(): Couldn"t find region named "5.0.5"
    <in C code>
    FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:670: in function "WatchFrame_SetLine"
    FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:1811: in function "?"
    FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:450: in function <FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:428>
    <in C code>
    GraveMiniMap\GraveMiniMap-0.1.lua:564: in function "WatchFrame_Update"
    FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:393: in function "WatchFrame_Expand"
    FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:323: in function <FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:282>

    line = WatchFrameLine16 {
    0 = <userdata>
    frameCache = <table> {}
    dash = WatchFrameLine16Dash {}
    text = WatchFrameLine16Text {}
    icon = WatchFrameLine16Icon {}
    Reset = <func> @FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:1333
    anchor = "5.0.5"
    verticalOffset = -3.9999998761656
    isHeader = true
    text = "Mogu'shan Palace"
    dash = 0
    hasItem = nil
    isComplete = nil
    eligible = nil
    DASH_SHOW = 1
    DASH_WIDTH = 9.2444449287745
    DASH_HIDE = 2
    DASH_ICON = 3
    1 = WatchFrameLine14 {}
    2 = WatchFrameLine15 {}

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Trivial to fix, just add a local in the front of line 4 or add _ to the local declaration in line 3.

  • _ForgeUser30210 added the tags New Defect Nov 8, 2012

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