All Namespaces
- (%d Times)
- [L]
- - Select -
- %d Completed
- %d days %d hr ago
- %d days ago
- %d Failed/Abandoned
- %d Hidden
- %d hr %d min ago
- %d hr ago
- %d Ignored
- %d In Progress
- %d minutes ago
- %d seconds ago
- %d Shown
- %d Turned In
- %d Unknown
- %Y/%m/%d %I%p
- 1 day %d hr ago
- 1 day ago
- 1 minute ago
- 1 second ago
- Abandon Quest: %s
- Abandoned
- Abandoned: %s
- Added %d quests to your database
- Ahn'Qiraj War
- Alchemy
- All
- Alliance
- Archaeology
- Ascending
- Auto Populate
- Battlegrounds
- Blackmaw Hold
- Blacksmithing
- Both Factions
- Brewfest
- Burning Crusade
- Cancel
- Cataclysm
- Children's Week
- Choose which classes you wish to show along with non-class specific quests.
- Choose which races you wish to show along with non-race specific quests.
- Class Filter
- Classes
- Classic
- Clear Import Confirm
- Clear Imported Data
- Click to toggle the main window
- Complete Quest: %s
- Completed
- Completed Quests
- Completed%s: %s
- Configure filtering options for the quest list. These settings are character specific.
- Consider uploading your WTF\Account\{account name}\SavedVariables\EveryQuest.lua to
- Continents
- Control the display of specific quest statuses
- Cooking
- Could not load %s Quest Data because of %s
- Customize how your quest list is sorted. Higher Weight moves the items to the top of the list, lower weight goes to the bottom. Sort order Ascending: A-Z 0-9, Descending: Z-A, 9-0.
- D
- Daily Quests
- Dalaran Crater
- Darkmoon Faire
- Day of the Dead
- Decreases: %s by |cffff7979%d|r
- Delete any quest tagged as being imported.
- Deleted %d quests from your database
- Descending
- Direction
- Dungeon Finder
- Dungeon Quests
- Dungeons
- E
- Echo Isles
- Enable Filtering
- Engineering
- Epic
- EveryQuest
- EveryQuest Log
- Example for Ignored quest: Some quests are still in Wowhead's database but are not attainable ingame anymore. Ignore them to hide them from the list.
- Faction Filter
- Failed
- Failed or Abandoned
- Failed or Abandoned Quests
- Failed Quest: %s
- Failed: %s
- Filter Quests by Level
- Filter Quests by Type
- Filters
- First Aid
- Fishing
- Forget
- G
- General Settings
- Group Quests
- H
- Hallow's End
- Harvest Festival
- Herbalism
- Heroic Quests
- Horde
- Ignore
- Ignored Quests
- Import
- Import failed, you have no data relating to this character on this server.
- Import QuestGuru Data
- Import QuestHistory Data
- Imported %d quests from %s
- Imported From: %s
- In Progress
- Increases: %s by |cff00ff00%d|r
- Inscription
- Instances
- Invasion
- Jewelcrafting
- Leatherworking
- Legendary
- Level Filter
- List Order
- Loading %s Quest Data
- Localized Quest List
- Love is in the Air
- Lunar Festival
- Maximum Level
- Midsummer
- Minimum Level
- Miscellaneous
- More Numbers
- New Year's Eve
- No Side/No Data
- Noblegarden
- Normal Quests
- Note: Stores localized quest titles in the global database
- Obtained Quest: %s
- Once the server responds, automatically start the import of quest data
- Once you recieve the server responce, populate the database with your completed quests.
- Options
- Order by Daily
- Order by Level
- Order by Name
- Order by Type
- Order by Weekly
- P
- Pilgrim's Bounty
- Populate History
- Populate History: %d quests not found in the database.
- Populating your quest history from the server, this may take a while and might freeze your game.
- Professions
- Purge
- Purge Old data
- Purge Old database data, generally used after running upgrade
- PvP Quests
- Query Server
- Querying Server for your quest history
- Quest Colors
- QuestGuru
- QuestHistory
- QuestHistory importing is strictly alpha quality. This is due to having to guess at which quest you are trying to import.
- Quests In Progress
- R
- r%d
- Race Filter
- Raid Quests
- Raids
- Ready to populate your quest history from server
- Redridge Canyons
- Removes 'shown' from the displayed numbers, adds a counts of each status shown.
- Repeatable
- Reputation
- Requires LOD Module: %s
- Right-click to open the options menu
- Ruins of Uldum
- Save Zone
- Saves which zone you where last looking at to load upon login
- Server Query
- Show Debugging Messages
- Show Debugging Messages - *WARNING* Spams your default chat frame
- Show quests for specific class
- Show quests for specific faction
- Show quests for specific race
- Shows %s Only Quests
- Shows Alliance Quests
- Shows completed quests still in your questlog
- Shows daily quests
- Shows dungeon quests
- Shows 'group suggested' quests
- Shows heroic quests
- Shows Horde Quests
- Shows normal Blizzard soloable quests
- Shows PVP quests
- Shows quests that are available to both factions
- Shows quests that don't have a side or don't have data for a specific side
- Shows quests that you are on but not completed
- Shows quests that you have failed or abandoned
- Shows quests turned back into NPCs
- Shows quests you haven't seen before
- Shows quests you've ignored
- Shows 'raid suggested' quests
- Shows weekly quests
- Skettis
- Status Filter
- Status: %s
- Steamwheedle Cartel
- Stormwind Harbor
- Tailoring
- The Black Temple
- The Burning Crusade
- Timbermaw Hold
- Toggle Frame
- Tournament
- Track Zone
- Track zone changes and update the EveryQuest list for that zone
- Turn In Quest: %s
- Turned In
- Turned In Quests
- Type Filter
- Unable to get Quest Information from DB
- Unknown
- Unknown Status
- Upgrade
- Upgrade DB
- Upgrade the Database from the old format
- W
- WE
- Weekly Quests
- Weight
- Winter Veil
- World Events
- Wrath of the Lich King
- Y
- You are running a source checkout of EveryQuest %s directly from the repository.
- You are running an ALPHA RELEASE of EveryQuest %s (revision %d). Please report any bugs @