EveryQuest is a Quest History tracker and quest list window. Integrates with Lightheaded to show any comments for any quest in the game. Create chat links by shift-clicking the quest name.
What's New
- Go to Current Zone Button (r184) - Click the Book!
- Custom coloring (r184)
- Show if you've done that daily today using colors (above)
- Race Filter (r177)
- Class Filter (r177)
- Cataclysm Data (r174)
In the Works
- Updated EveryQuest:Quest Giver data
- Quest Series information
- Reputation lists and filters
Error Reports
Please direct all support requests to Wowace.
Before submitting error reports, reproduce the error with debugging on (in the main options window), if it's an import that you are doing, it will spam your default chat frame. I only need the last dozen or so lines of output.
Also, please be specific as to the version number of EveryQuest, WoW version, Locale (enUS, enGB, esES, etc.)
Lastly if it is a lua error (not something printed to your chat frame), provide a complete stack trace from an addon like Bug Grabber
Refrain from posting error reports to the comments section. Use a ticket instead
Wowace localization is now setup for all you world travelers! Visit the localization page to translate.
Opening the Window
To display the main quest list you have multiple options:
- If you are using the default questlog window, there will be a small button near the book icon with the letters "EQ" to toggle the window.
- If you are using a LibDataBroker display addon, such as Fortress, EveryQuest has its own launcher. Click the launcher to open the window. Right-click to open the options
- Bind the window the a key using the key bindings interface from the main menu.
- Type /everyquest
What does it do?
Quest History
As you complete quests in game, EveryQuest will keep track of which ones you have done. It also tracks which quests you've failed or abandoned so that you can easily get them again. Once you complete a quest, the date and time is saved to see when you did it. Additionally if the quest is a daily quest, it keeps a running total of how many times you've done the quest along with the most recent completion date.
Also you can query the server for quests you've completed prior to your first use of EveryQuest. Access this option from the options screen.
Quest List
EveryQuest comes with a database of quests available in game. These are browse able by quest category using the drop down menu at the top of the window. Quests in the list will change colors depending on there status (unknown, failed/abandoned, in progress, completed, turned in).
If you have LightHeaded loaded, clicking a quest will open the Lightheaded window the the quest you clicked on.
To create a quest link for insertion into the chat edit box, have the chat edit box open then shift-click the quest in the main window.
To filter the list of quests, click the Filters button on the main window or navigate to the filters window until the Blizzard Interface options. Changing these filters will update the window immediately.
There is a default sorting of the quest list. This can be changed using the weights and order options in the options window (Click Filters or Options in the main EveryQuest window to open the options window).
Manually Changing a Quests status
To manually change a quests status, right click it in the main window and select the new status from the menu. Having a quest on ignore is different then it's status. When a quest is on ignore the status will still update when you start doing it or complete it.
EveryQuest: Quest Givers
I finished up a quest giver module that mimics the functionality of Handynotes: Quest Givers but integrates EveryQuest quest history and filtering.
covering all of the quests, especially with regard to building
reputation. So I crawled wowhead then and generated a datafile that
was massaged into an Excel spreadsheet. Various columns in the sheet
had all of the information about the quest, from the title/zone, to
who started and ended it, to the reputation earned, to the value of
it, and so on, with links back to wowhead. Because it was in Excel I
could use AutoFilter to limit the rows displayed by any attribute I
wanted, like "show me all quests not done by Bima that give Cenarion
Expedition rep". The only real downsides to it have been that each
time I do a quest I had to update the spreadsheet manually, and that
as patches came out and added or changed quests then the spreadsheet
either had to be updated or it bitrotted.
All in all, it came out great -- I still use the spreadsheet to this
day -- but some changes at wowhead meant I really didn't want to have
to mess around with fixing the crawler to deal with it. That's when I
went looking to see what sort of quest history addons were around
these days and found yours. I think it is a great start for what I
want out of a quest history/planning addon, but still needs a couple
of things that could make it more useful.
Mainly it would be really, really helpful to get a good overview of
the status of all quests. For example, two UI elements would help a
1) An overview pane that you can drill down, that for example shows:
Eastern Kingdoms (650/340/3/0)
Kalimdor (350/490/5/12)
Outlands (402/357/14/0)
Northrend (89/912/9/0)
Misc (332/158/0/3)
where the numbers (which I just totally made up) would represent,
color-coded, how many you've done/remain/in progress/ignoring. Remain
should probably include the count of those in progress.
Then when you clicked into Outlands, for example, it would show you
the same sorts of numbers for Hellfire / Zangarmash / Terrokar / etc.
Click into Hellfire and you see the list of quests as you have now.
Right click would go back up the menu (or make a link explicitly to
left click to go back up).
2) In the quest list itself, it would be great to be able to filter
the showing/hiding of quests based on status. Like, for me I would
probably have a normal filter set to show me only quests that I have
not yet taken. I'd hide every other status, except on the rare
occasion when I'd toggle them on, kind of the like the trainer listing
options to show spells Known / Available / Unavailable.
Oh and I implied one more change there, "Ignore". If the data has a
quest showing that for whatever reason I will never be able to do, or
have no intention to do, I would like to set its status to Ignore.
While being able to do those other things my spreadsheet does like
"show me the quests that give reputation with <foo>" would also be
very nice, that's a ton of data and one of the reasons I didn't make
it an addon back when I did it. Just helping me identify the quests
I've not yet done it the huge number one thing I am looking for in a
quest mod.
Would you be willing to add such features? If so, would you like to
do it or yourself, or would you like it if instead I were to work on
some patches and submit them?
The first column is how I track the status for my various characters. Unfortunately the data in it is nearly two years old now.
When abandoning I still get the error.
With debug on, I just get:
EveryQuest: Lost - <some number>
... and no other messages or errors.
I'm also still getting "could not find quest info in DB" errors for every quest I complete :(
I tried reinstalling EveryQuest and deleting all EveryQuest files and I still get the same error.
I tried turning on debug messages, but all it shows when I abandon a quest is:
EveryQuest: Lost - 507
The quest is abandoned, despite this error.
But I tried disabling those and it didn't seem to help.
I tried every possible combo of slash commands before giving up. THEN...I noticed there is a keybinding option for the EQ window in WoW's Keybindings. Woo hoo!!! Problem solved. Thanks.
I suspect that the DB is corrupt, and that's why nothing seems to work :(