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I change a function "famBags.Classification [FAMBAGSCRITERIA_REQUIREDLEVEL] = function (catindex, critindex)" in file "famBagsclassification.lua"
Here is the code:
local eval; do local function dumb() return end local mem = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"}); eval = function(s) if mem[s] then return mem[s]; else local f = loadstring("return " .. (string.gsub(s, "%[lvl%]", UnitLevel("player")))); if f then mem[s] = f; return f; else print("Unexpected value for required level: " .. s); mem[s] = dumb; return dumb; end end end end famBags.Classification[FAMBAGSCRITERIA_REQUIREDLEVEL] = function(catindex, critindex) local req = CURRENT_INFO.minLvl; if not req then return false end local crit = db[catindex].criterias[critindex]; local value, operator = crit.value, crit.comparer; if not (value and operator) then return false end local min, max = eval(value)(); if not min then return false end if operator == 1 then -- Equal return req == min; elseif operator == 2 then -- Greater or equal return req >= min; elseif operator == 3 then -- Less or equal return req <= min; else -- Between return max and (min <= req and req <= max); end end
when we write "[lvl]" in the inputbox, it is replaced by the character level
can be-type filters
Lesser than or equal: [lvl] Greater than or equal: [lvl] + 1 Between: [lvl] - 10 [lvl]
This avoids having to change the filters every level up because the filter starts to automatically update
the problem is that at each update my amendment is clear
you could set up a similar function please :)
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