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This feature is included in Baggins and other bag addons and I think it would do well here. By adding the ability to filter by text in the item description, you could have more complex and sane sorting systems.
Some examples:'Type: Consumable - Food and Drink' AND 'Usable' NOT 'Description: Match any:"alcoholic"' Filters alcoholic drinks out of Food and Drink bag.'Type: Armor - all' NOT 'Quality: Common, Uncommon' NOT 'Slot: Tabard' NOT 'Description: Match exact:"Use: Creates a soulbound"' Filters garrison mission armor rewards that have not been redeemed out of armor bag'Type: Consumable - all' AND 'Description: Match exact:"Use: Increases" OR 'Description: Match any:"increased"' Creates a bag that includes all consumables which apply buffs'Description: Match exact:"<Right click to open>"' Creates a bag for presents, bags, and other openable goods'Description: Match any:"grants"' AND 'Description: Match any:"skill"' Creates a bag for items which grant skill ups'Usable' AND 'Description: Match exact:"Cooldown)"' NOT 'Description: Match exact:" Charges"' Creates a bag with usable items that don't get consumed on use.
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