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UploadedSep 17, 2008
Size6.86 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
r81804 | adirelle | 2008-09-17 07:43:30 -0400 (Wed, 17 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
FeedIt: small, harmless typo.
r81606 | adirelle | 2008-09-11 07:47:11 -0400 (Thu, 11 Sep 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
- added some feedback explaining why FeedIt refuses to feed the pet,
- conjured foods get a score boost, so they are used in priority when the pet likes them,
- added WotLK support, untested though.
r81603 | adirelle | 2008-09-11 04:40:41 -0400 (Thu, 11 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
FeedIt: added deDE, esES, koKR, zhCN and zhTW support.
r81599 | adirelle | 2008-09-11 02:38:21 -0400 (Thu, 11 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
FeedIt: added a hack to workaround the /click bug in 2.4.
r81592 | adirelle | 2008-09-10 18:22:58 -0400 (Wed, 10 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/FeedIt
M /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
FeedIt: handles late loadings.
r81590 | adirelle | 2008-09-10 18:09:59 -0400 (Wed, 10 Sep 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
A /trunk/FeedIt
A /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.lua
A /trunk/FeedIt/FeedIt.toc
A /trunk/FeedIt/LICENSE.txt
FeedIt: minimalistic pet feeder.
- to use, just add "/click FeedItButton" into a macro,
- no option,
- spits ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED on first click, then works nicely, any help on this issue would be appreciated.