All Namespaces
- %s likes to get closer with you before getting fed.
- %s looks at you wondering how you will feed him when you are stunned.
- %s looks in your bags and sees no food in there.
- %s loves %s mjummie.
- %s thinks you should unmount before feeding him.
- %s wants food of a more appropriate level.
- Bread
- Button Scale
- Cheese
- Content
- Control the size of the button
- Diets
- Feed Button
- Feed Machine
- Feed Pet Growth Direction
- Fish
- Food - Bread Basic
- Food - Bread Bonus
- Food - Bread Combo
- Food - Bread Conjured
- Food - Cheese Basic
- Food - Cheese Bonus
- Food - Fish Basic
- Food - Fish Bonus
- Food - Fish Combo
- Food - Fish Raw
- Food - Fruit Basic
- Food - Fruit Bonus
- Food - Fruit Combo
- Food - Fungus Basic
- Food - Fungus Bonus
- Food - Fungus Combo
- Food - Meat Basic
- Food - Meat Bonus
- Food - Meat Combo
- Food - Meat Raw
- Foods
- Fruit
- Fungus
- Happy
- Lock food list
- Meat
- No food available for your pet.
- Nothing
- Options
- Raw Fish
- Raw Meat
- Reset Food
- Reset Food Database
- Resetting Food DB.
- Sets interval in seconds at which warnings occur.
- Sets the growth direction of the feed pet popup buttons
- Show Config
- Show Feed Button at Happiness Level
- Show feed pet button when pet is hungry.
- Shows Config Screen
- The Food DB updated, please resetdb to get new food data (/fm resetdb)
- Unhappy
- Unknown Item ID
- Warning Interval
- You fail to perform Feed Pet: Can't do that while stunned.
- You fail to perform Feed Pet: Out of range.
- You fail to perform Feed Pet: That food's level is not high enough for your pet.
- You fail to perform Feed Pet: You are mounted.
- You fail to perform Feed Pet: You must be standing to do that.