Simple right click casting.
Double right-click to cast while a fishing pole is equipped. Options included to enhance the various telltale signs that you've caught a fish (upping the volume, enhance the pool "sparklies") and automatically applying a lure to your pole.
Double click casting can result in lost catches in rare situations where the loot window and casting overlap. I haven't figured out if this is due to a slow computer or a slow connection, nor have I found a way around it yet.
Updated for WoD.
Date: 2009-06-21 17:28:26
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 4
Message: ..\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce.lua line 155:
attempt to call method 'IsFishingPole' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
[C]: IsFishingPole()
(tail call): ?
Also after I do something I obtain others similiar errors...
Still i have that errors...
After login:
Date: 2009-06-22 01:42:57
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ns\FishingAce\Libs\LibFishing-1.0\LibFishing-1.0.lua line 51:
Cannot find a library instance of "LibCrayon-3.0".
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
!Swatter\Support\LibRevision.lua:47: LibStub()
...ns\FishingAce\Libs\LibFishing-1.0\LibFishing-1.0.lua:51: in main chunk
And after a while other errors... Some of error are the same as I posted before a few hours.
Latest "stable" version without any errors is r81.
Please can u fix this problems? Thanks.
I apologize for the long delay between updates
the latest version of FishingAce! uses the same code as Fishing Buddy for figuring out the pole, so it should work with everything.I'm trying to get it marked as a release version, but even after following the instructions for a release on WoWAce it's still showing up as a beta...
You have to replace "Fishing Poles" by your localized name
The following replacement for the IsFishingPole function makes it work for all known poles as well as any poles added in future patches:
local function IsFishingPole()
local slot = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")
local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slot)
local _, _, _, _, _, _, itemSubType = GetItemInfo(link)
return itemSubType == "Fishing Poles"
Cambri4's modification to r81 seemed to work. However when I switched the 2 weapons on my rogue the addon triggered and thought my char was in 'fishing mode', turning off music etc. Equipping fishing pole and un-equipping didn't help.
I simply love FishingAce!
But since my recently acquired Jeweled Fishing Pole didn't work with FishingAce r81 either, I started to investigate..
The new fishing poles don't seem work with FishingAce because it checks the icon name of the equipped mainhand item. Blizzard started using new icons for fishing poles, so it doesn't recognize the new fishing poles introduced in 3.1.
In order to solve this problem, I took a different approach to the fishing pole recognition.
First of all, I added a new table including the ItemIDs of every fishing pole in the game.
You could add this before the FISHINGLURE table
local FISHINGPOLES = {45992,45991,45858,44050,25978,19970,19022,12225,6367,6366,6365,6256}
The main changes are in the IsFishingPole() function.
Just swap this with the old function.
local function IsFishingPole()
local slot = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")
local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slot)
local _, id, _ = SplitLink(link)
for i,val in ipairs(FISHINGPOLES) do
if (string.find(id,val)~=(nil)) then
return true
return false
Instead of comparing the Icons, it compares the ItemIDs.
This way FishingAce can easily be edited for any new fishing poles Blizzard might implement, since you would only have to add the item ID to the FISHINGPOLES table.
The amount of lines of code is actually the same. There might be a more elegant solution, but it suited my needs.
I hope this helps all those lucky enough to acquire one of those fancy new fishing poles. :)
The right click on water to cast seems to be buggy. It won't work with the Jeweled fishing pole. It still works with the Mastercraft Kalu'ak fishing pole. So if I have the Jeweled one on and right click to cast nothing happens. If I switch to the Kalu'ak pole it works. Same thing happens if I go from the Kalu'ak to the Jeweled. No errors pop up or anything. It just doesn't work with the new pole.
Just figured I would post this since you have updated this mod.
I've also submitted a patch to him to make the "equip best lure" feature actually use the best lure you have based on +skill and duration, as well as added in a new lure released in 3.1 (the Glow Worm).
In the meantime, here's a link to the working version that includes my patch:
If you either don't trust my link or don't want my patch and would rather have the official version, you can find a 3.0/3.1 working version here:
You will need to download and install Ace2 separately regardless of which download you choose. The Ace2 libraries are required by Fishing Ace but are not included in the zip.