Simple right click casting.
Double right-click to cast while a fishing pole is equipped. Options included to enhance the various telltale signs that you've caught a fish (upping the volume, enhance the pool "sparklies") and automatically applying a lure to your pole.
Double click casting can result in lost catches in rare situations where the loot window and casting overlap. I haven't figured out if this is due to a slow computer or a slow connection, nor have I found a way around it yet.
Updated for WoD.
I've dropped him a line, we'll see :-)
why i cann't use "aotuloot"
Autolure no longer works.
well ... the fishing buddy no longer has the "Double right-click to cast fishing" but has AutoLure FishingAce and no longer has the AutoLure but has Cast Fishing ... and both are from the same developer ... hmm ... I think I'm starting to see sense in it ... use 2? I would prefer that the developer becomes one of the 2 time.
It should all work with both -- I am verifying everything now!
I've got some taint from FishingAce:
9/2 13:57:35.265 Global variable _ tainted by FishingAce - Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\LibFishing-1.0.lua:558 GetPoleType() ... 9/2 13:57:35.265 Execution tainted by FishingAce while reading _ - Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_GlyphUI\Blizzard_GlyphUI.lua:174 GlyphFrame_Update()
Thanks for the update. No more error.
However, in the new build, Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat, is no longer auto-used. It is the only lure in my bags, etc. Not sure if this is the way it is supposed to behave. It used to use it.
I get the following on Log In, but seems to work.
Date: 2012-08-30 17:08:39
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ns\FishingAce\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0.lua line 4636:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
...ns\FishingAce\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0.lua:4636: in main chunk
1x FishingAce-Release 0.5.8\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0-90143.lua:4636: attempt to index field "?" (a nil value)
FishingAce-Release 0.5.8\Libs\LibTourist-3.0\LibTourist-3.0-90143.lua:4636: in main chunk
["message"] = "FishingAce-Release 0.5.8
LibTourist-3.0-90143.lua:4636: attempt to index field \"?\" (a nil value)", ["time"] = "2012/08/30 10:26:29", ["locals"] = "", ["stack"] = "FishingAce-Release 0.5.8
LibTourist-3.0-90143.lua:4636: in main chunk", ["session"] = 23, ["counter"] = 2,
Problem here is probably the library, it works with the German client no addon
Right click casting doesn't seem to work with 5.0.4
Is the fishing hat auto lure permanently broken for an unfixable reason? I haven't had a version yet within the last long time that's worked with that..I always end up clicking the hat..
Don't get it the addon still going to use for the right click casting ;-)
The new i version still won't work for me. If you downgrade to the f version it seems to work fine.
Edit: I don't use fishingbuddy or to my knowledge any addon that also uses double click to do anything
Hi for some unknown reason double clicking no longer works, i have to resort to placing the fishing icon on a secondary action bar. Not realy practicable when in ememy territory
This addon works fine when I turn off a concurrent addon Fishing Buddy.
Easycast will work until you enter combat or loot anything other than fish. If you /reload it starts working again until you enter combat or loot anything other than fish. It seems that other fishing addons such as fishing buddy are having the same issue. It must have been a change on blizzards end.
This seems absoultly correct from everything I've seen. if you are fishing and getting any crates as soon as you open then the double-click cast will cease to work till a /reload.
Same for me. The double click doesn't work anymore.
I'll add my voice to the "sporadic fails" which is not not working at all. Please fix it!! Please!
I cannot get right click casting to work anymore (0.5.6h). I had the same issue with the previous version, but it was very sporatic. Going to go back two versions until you can locate the bug.