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What steps will reproduce the problem?1.2.3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?To close the loot window for fish not wanted and or blacklisted; Loot window not closing on unwanted / blacklisted fishing loot.What version of the product are you using?
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Please provide any additional information below.
I see Fish Warden passing on unwanted, and or blacklisted items, but it does not automatically close the loot window after it passes on the item.I also tried fishing with Fishwarden as the only active addon, besides the Ace libraries, and still had said issue =(
<p>Loot Quality settings</p>
<p>Loot window still open, after Fishwarden passed on the item.</p>
<p>Again, on a different grey item</p>
<p>Loot window still open, after Fishwarden passed on a blacklisted item</p>
i don't think he cares anymore bout it cause i been having the same problem since sept. and nothing was said bout even though i do wish he would fix it it a great addon when it was working right
same problem, it worked til recently, somethings changed
Would really appreciate a response =( I love this addon, but currently unable to use it for what it was intended to be used for...After the 1000Fish achievement, I want fish, not junk...that and some other items I didn't care for so I blacklisted them, buuut....I can't use it anymore =(
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