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UploadedNov 10, 2009
Size144.85 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
2009-11-10 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
[e24026a8fcca] [tip]
* flagRSP2.toc
Version increase.
* embeds.xml
Fixed library loading order.
2009-11-09 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* .hgtags:
Added tag 2.2.1 Release for changeset 83331b08deb5
[83331b08deb5] [2.2.1 Release]
* .pkgmeta, flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.toc
Forgot to fix my pkgmeta.
2009-11-08 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* .hgtags:
Added tag 2.2, Release for changeset d623146c6179
[d623146c6179] [Release, 2.2]
* .hgtags:
Tag merge.
2009-11-08 root <root@repos.curseforge.net>
* .hgtags:
Tagging as 2.2 Release
* .hgtags:
Tagging as 2.2 Release
2009-11-08 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* flagRSP2.lua
Final changes before release.
* localization/deDE.lua localization/zhCN.lua
FFFFFFFFF! This is what I get for copying and paste with out proof reading.
* localization/deDE.lua localization/zhCN.lua
Refixing the localization.
If people wish to test their localization they should download the built packages. Cloning the repository will get English only.
* flagRSP2.lua localization/deDE.lua localization/enUS.lua localization/zhCN.lua options.lua
Hopefully this fixes all the hg issues.
2009-11-07 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* flagRSP2.lua
Fixed missing LDB tooltip.
* embeds.xml flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.xml localization/enUS.lua
Moved more frames to dynamic creation.
Added in a missing translation.
* flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.xml
Moving some frames into dynamically create Lua frames.
* flagRSP2.lua
Fixed missing translations.
* hgtags
* localization/enUS.lua localization/zhCN.lua localization/znCH.lua
Decided to make English localization not be handled by WoWAce's localization tool.
Apparently it is zhCN, not znCH.
* localization/deDE.lua localization/enUS.lua localization/znCH.lua
Commented out strip replacements.
* embeds.xml flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.toc localization.lua localization/deDE.lua localization/enUS.lua localization/znCH.lua options.lua
Massive localization update. Moved to using AceLocale to facilitate using WoWAce's translator system.
2009-10-28 root <root@repos.curseforge.net>
* .hgtags:
Tagging as 2.1 Release
2009-10-28 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* Stuff!
2009-10-28 root <root@repos.curseforge.net>
[7592150255ba] [2.1 Release]
* .hgtags:
Tagging as 2.1 Release
2009-10-28 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* flagRSP2.toc
Changed add on version.
* flagRSP2.lua options.lua
Little upgrade message that displays once.
* flagRSP2.xml
Fixed the width on the Character Profile button.
* embeds.xml flagRSP2.lua libs/LibFRSPIcon-1.0/LibFRSPIcon-1.0.lua options.lua
I am a forking idiot.(Follow the white Rabbit...)
* embeds.xml flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.toc flagRSP2.xml libs/LibFRSPIcon-1.0/LibFRSPIcon-1.0.lua
Fixed minimap icon not hiding properly at login.
Forked LibDBIcon to custom embedded LibFRSPIcon to work specifically with FlagRSP2. This will prevent conflicts with add ons that use LibDBIcon.
Beginnings of migrating away from a minimap icon.
Button on character paper doll frame for opening the character profile.
2009-10-26 alexia <alexia@tennyoko.local>
* .pkgmeta, embeds.xml
Fix for LibDBIcon embedding embeds into an embed. No, bad embed, down! Get off the couch!
* .hgignore, .pkgmeta, embeds.xml flagRSP2.lua flagRSP2.toc flagRSP2.xml icon.tga images/plain.tga localization.lua options.lua
Initial commit follow r108 from the SVN repository.