Makes a sound when your current target (or focus**) starts casting. To configure settings type '/fis' (or go to Interface Options).
Also has basic functionality to announce successful interrupts.
** Use with [target=focus] macros for interrupts (Counterspell, Spell Lock, Wind Shear, ...).
Is someone going to update this?
In reply to Milky63:
In reply to Corg:
Aloha Corg,
FIS makes sound when interrupt is successful,
but nothing happens when target is casting interruptible spell.
even with default settings and new machine, account
* playing at ru client
In reply to Hddxr700:
Check spell availability = no
In reply to Corg:
it works, thank you
did as u said and then realize that all i need to do is just
add russian spell name to "Player Interrupt Spells" list
In reply to Hddxr700:
Dear Corg
It would be fantastic to have a volume feature, if possible .
The sound is far to loud and there is no way to quiet it a bit down.
never mind I just saw your com. about it.
Is it possible to get a volume feature?
In reply to dryloffa:
In reply to Corg:
Hi there,
I was wondering as your in the game of making alert noises for things, is it possible you could also make a better alert noise for when someone stealthed comes nearby?
i find it hard to hear the standard swooosh noise sometimes, its so quiet?
thanks in advance
In reply to Forge_User_70902779:
Seems it does not work with GSE2: Gnome Sequencer. It blocks the GSE2 macros. /fis does not work when GSE2 is installed.
I tried everything, but i cant make it works on my Paladin, no Pew Pew sound when mob castings.
I have the interrupt sound, yes, but not the casting sound. I dont understand.
My bad, got an answer from 2009, checkspell was making the problem.
Fixed now.
It will show: "You are not in an instance" when i interrupted the spell
if i grouped with other ppls and go in the dungeon or raid by ourselves
I replace FocusInterruptSounds.lua line:973
if (IsInRaid() and 7 ~= difficultyIndex) then
strChannel = "RAID";
elseif (fInInstance) then
strChannel = "INSTANCE_CHAT";
elseif (IsInGroup()) then
strChannel = "PARTY";
if (fInInstance and (7 == difficultyIndex or 17 == difficultyIndex or IsLFGModeActive(LE_LFG_CATEGORY_LFD))) then
strChannel = "INSTANCE_CHAT";
elseif (IsInRaid() and 12 ~= difficultyIndex) then
strChannel = "RAID";
elseif (IsInGroup() and 12 ~= difficultyIndex) then
strChannel = "PARTY";
the issue is solved
Best Regards
Thanks for the report. I borrowed some code from Rali's Spell Announcer mod to better pick the channel.
Is there a way to just announce to myself, in a specified chat window? It looks like it's all or nothing. Maybe choices about where to announce at (party/raid/private)?
Thanks :)