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UploadedMay 23, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
- Add a slash command to set the tracked target via a macro:
/faset [unit: target | mouseover | focus] [inRange: 0 | 1]
If you're like me, and use mouseover healing macros, your macro might look like this:
#showtooltip /faset mouseover 1 /cast [target=mouseover] [] Flash Heal
Executing this macro will toggle the arrow if that person you're trying to cast on is out of range, thereby quickly showing you the way towards them! This was the original concept of this addon. Executing the same slash command, in the same macro or in any other macro, while the person you're trying to cast on is in range will toggle the arrow off if it's on.
- Add a preference to make explicitly set targets (those set with keys set in the key binding menu) sticky, meaning, macros with slash commands using /faset won't toggle them
- Added a config entry into the Blizzard addons config section
- Many fixes done to the target toggling.
- Better console output.
- First "working" version. Requires TomTom r216 minimum.
- Changed name from PlayerArrow to FriendlyArrow, since PlayerArrow was actually taken.
- Initial proof of concept release. Was actually quite crappy.0.1.1
- Many fixes done to the target toggling.
- Better console output.
- First "working" version. Requires TomTom r216 minimum.
- Changed name from PlayerArrow to FriendlyArrow, since PlayerArrow was actually taken.
- Initial proof of concept release. Was actually quite crappy.
- Doesn't work for players who are not in the same zone/instance/bg.
- Distance is not entirely implemented. Coordinate distance is used when there is no distance factor, namely for battlegroundss and instances.
- Surely a lot of other stuff.