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UploadedJun 5, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
- Fix erroneous debug code from appearing.
- Fix issue where wrong person is tracked when the raid/party changes.
- Make it so default tracking messages are less spammy.
- Fix a lot of tracking logic.
- Denote when distance is only coordinates, because there's no data for the zone's distance scale (Happens in instances and bgs only).
- Implement QuestHelper's distance factors for some Northrend instances. (Thanks ZorbaTHut!)
- Fix many more issues with the toggling of the tracking.
- Reverted to normal Astrolabe.
- Special thanks to Elapsed@Gorgonnash-US for helping me test.
- Fixed some issues with the toggling of the tracking.
- Added the ability to untoggle tracking based on distance automatically.
- Added support for AstrolabeQH (QuestHelper's Astrolabe, which has _some_ support for instance distances) to compute distances.
- Add a slash command to set the tracked target via a macro:
/faset [unit: target | mouseover | focus] [inRange: 0 | 1]
If you're like me, and use mouseover healing macros, your macro might look like this:
The following macro would toggle the arrow if the raid/party member you're trying to cast your macro on is out of range, thereby quickly showing you the way towards them! This was the original concept of this addon:
#showtooltip /faset mouseover 1 /cast [target=mouseover] [] Flash Heal
- Add a preference to make explicitly set targets (those set with keys set in the key binding menu) sticky, meaning, macros with slash commands using /faset won't toggle them
- Added a config entry into the Blizzard addons config section
- Many fixes done to the target toggling.
- Better console output.
- First "working" version. Requires TomTom r216 minimum.
- Changed name from PlayerArrow to FriendlyArrow, since PlayerArrow was actually taken.
- Initial proof of concept release. Was actually quite crappy.0.1.1