Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.
German translation: Chinkuwaila
TO INSTALL: Put the FuBar_DurabilityFu folder into
\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\
Shows durability of all items and overall inventory.
Pops up a dialog to repair when you go to the vendor.
Can hide the little armored man.
Can autorepair your equipment and/or inventory.
It works without problems here. How is it not working for you?
Have you looked at my post in the thread you started here?
anyone able to get this to work with 3.3?
FuBar... So well designed, keeps on tickin all the way through patch 3.3. :]
Any chance of an update of TOC on this? We're on 3.2 >.>
for me :P
thank you
thank you