OnClick opens the wrong window #13

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Assigned to elkano
  • _ForgeUser2005508 created this issue May 8, 2011

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    Installed Version

    2.4.4 - r117


    If I click on the text in the fubar, it doesn't open the guild-window. It opens the chat-channels-window

    Installed Addons

    Ackis Recipe List - 2.2.4 ArkInventory - 3.02.78 Atlas - Atlas v1.19.1 Atlas Arena - 1.3.2 Atlas WorldEvents - 2.1 Bartender4 - 4.4.18 FuBar - FactionsFu - r79 FuBar - FriendsFu - 2.4.4 - r103 FuBar - GuildFu - 2.4.4 - r117 FuBar 3.6 - v3.6.7 FuBar_BagFu - v1.1.8 FuBar_BartenderFu - v1.10 FuBar_LocationFu - r140-stable FuBar_MoneyFu - v1.2.4 FuBar_PerformanceFu - v2.0.0 FuBar_QuestsFu - v4.0.1 FuBar_RecountFu - v3.14-release LibRock-1.0 - WoW-3.0-release-3 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.2 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.63 Postal - v3.4.7 Rare Spawn Overlay - Rare Spawn Overlay 4.2.40000 Recount - v4.1.0a release RobBossMods - RobBossMods v0.41 beta SexyMap - v1.2.4 SilverDragon - v2.4.3 VuhDo - VuhDo 2.99 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.5.4 X-Perl UnitFrames - 3.1.3b

  • _ForgeUser2005508 added the tags New Other May 8, 2011

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