Various wierdness due to changes in instance related info #3

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  • Defect
Assigned to belazor
  • _ForgeUser1375332 created this issue Aug 7, 2009

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. FubarText is out of sync with the actual number of instances you're saved to.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    I expect to see the number of instances I'm locked out of. What we see now is the total number of instances you have recently been saved to (I don't know for certain but I expect it has to do with the instance extension functionality). Also, the ShowSavedInstanceInfo(player) function does a difficulty check, which isn't really appropriate anymore since "heroic" difficulty has a new meaning.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    I was able to get this working well enough for me (although I'm sure it's not the best way to do things) by making the following changes in "InstanceInfoFu.lua": (line numbers not included because my working file has been severely bastardized in my efforts).

    Update the the instance data object to store the new parameters returned by the API, they will be needed later:, instance.ID, instance.remaining, instance.difficulty = GetSavedInstanceInfo(i);

    Changed to, instance.ID, instance.remaining, instance.difficulty, instance.locked, instance.extended, instance.instanceIDMostSig, instance.isRaid, instance.maxPlayers, instance.difficultyName  = GetSavedInstanceInfo(i);

    Removing the difficulty flag condition

    local name =
    if instance.difficulty > 1 then
       name =" ("..DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY2..")"

    Changed to (I believe this no longer requires localization as this is done by the API)

    local name =" ("..instance.difficultyName..")"

    although I imagine something like....

    if ((instance.maxPlayers == 5) and (instance.difficulty > 1) or instance.maxPlayers >= 10) then

    would be more appropriate.

    Update the fubar text function to include a count of instances that have the locked flag

    if (instance ~= nil) then
    	numInstances = numInstances + 1;

    Changed to

    if (instance ~= nil) and (instance.locked == true) then
           numInstances = numInstances + 1;
  • _ForgeUser1375332 added the tags New Defect Aug 7, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1375332 edited description Aug 7, 2009
  • _ForgeUser41637 posted a comment Aug 19, 2009

    also happening for me

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