This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Keeps track of instances you are saved to on your characters.
L["InstanceInfoFu"] = "副本訊息";
L["InstanceInfoFu is a FuBar plugin that displays your saved instances."] = "副本訊息是FuBar插件,可顯示您副本保存的訊息。";
-- General Options L["General Settings"] = "一般設定";
L["Adjust various settings for InstanceInfoFu."] = "在副本訊息中調整各種設定";
L["Minimum Player Level"] = "最低玩家等級";
L["InstanceInfoFu will not save info for instances for characters below this level."] = "副本訊息將不保存低於玩家等級的副本";
L["Show Only Own Instance Info"] = "只顯示自己的副本訊息";
L["Toggles whether you will only see your own instance info."] = "是否只顯示自己的副本訊息";
-- Profile Options
L["Profile Options"] = "記錄檔選項";
L["InstanceInfoFu's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of custom buttons for each. These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share custom button setups between characters"] = "地城訊息保存的變量是有條理的,因此你的所有角色都可以共用相同的設定,且每個都有不同的自定義按鈕。這些部分的選項允許你便更保存變量的配置,所以你可以設定每個角色的選項,或者甚至共享角色部份的自定義按鈕。";
L["Options profile"] = "選項紀錄";
L["Saved profile for InstanceInfoFu options"] = "儲存副本訊息選項的紀錄";
--[[ Find a line with "--" in front of it, delete the "--" and replace "true" with the string for your language. Be sure to preserve all spacing! ]]
-- Setup the locale library
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InstanceInfoFu", "zhTW", false) if (not L) then return; end
-- Slash command
L["Show Menu"] = "顯示選單"; L["Open the configuration menu."] = "開啟配置選單";
-- FuBar Plugin Text
L["No Saved Instances"] = "沒有保存的副本"; L["Saved Instances"] = "保存的副本";
-- Tooltips
L["Zone"] = "地區"; L["Raid ID"] = "副本編號"; L["Reset Time"] = "重置時間";
-- Options
L["InstanceInfoFu"] = "副本訊息"; L["InstanceInfoFu is a FuBar plugin that displays your saved instances."] = "副本訊息是FuBar插件,可顯示您副本保存的訊息。";
-- General Options L["General Settings"] = "一般設定"; L["Adjust various settings for InstanceInfoFu."] = "在副本訊息中調整各種設定"; L["Minimum Player Level"] = "最低玩家等級"; L["InstanceInfoFu will not save info for instances for characters below this level."] = "副本訊息將不保存低於玩家等級的副本"; L["Show Only Own Instance Info"] = "只顯示自己的副本訊息"; L["Toggles whether you will only see your own instance info."] = "是否只顯示自己的副本訊息";
-- Profile Options L["Profile Options"] = "記錄檔選項"; L["InstanceInfoFu's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of custom buttons for each. These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share custom button setups between characters"] = "地城訊息保存的變量是有條理的,因此你的所有角色都可以共用相同的設定,且每個都有不同的自定義按鈕。這些部分的選項允許你便更保存變量的配置,所以你可以設定每個角色的選項,或者甚至共享角色部份的自定義按鈕。"; L["Options profile"] = "選項紀錄"; L["Saved profile for InstanceInfoFu options"] = "儲存副本訊息選項的紀錄";
-- FuBar Options L["FuBar Options"] = "FuBar選項"; L["Hide Plugin"] = "隱藏插件"; L["Right"] = "右側"; L["Left"] = "左側"; L["Center"] = "中間"; L["Show text"] = "顯示文字"; L["Hide minimap/FuBar icon"] = "隱藏小地圖/FuBar圖示"; L["Show icon"] = "顯示圖示"; L["Position"] = "位置"; L["Attach to minimap"] = "依附在小地圖上"; L["Right-click|r to open the options menu"] = "右鍵點擊|r開啟選項選單";