Garrison Jukebox
Garrison Jukebox
This addon lets you select (from the World of Warcraft embedded music files) a list of music that will either play inline or randomly while in one of the zones you selected in your zone list. (by default, Lunarfall and Frostwall are added)
Not all music is entered yet, almost... I'm working on it. If you would like to add music to this addon, you can request it via the wowace ticket system. Because several zones have multiple music files, I suggest anyone creating a ticket to supply the embedded filename.
You can follow me on twitter @Azmaedus for addon updates
Slash Commands (/gjb)
- config: Opens up the configuration dialog.
- next: Plays the next song in your jukebox; if set to 'shuffle', will simply play another random song.
- play: Stops original zone music and starts playback of your jukebox items.
- stop: Stops playback and starts original zone music.
- prev: Plays the previous song in your jukebox; if set to 'shuffle', will simply play another random song.
- showicon: Shows the minimap icon.
- hideicon: Hides the minimap icon.
- showplayer: Shows the music player.
- hideplayer: Hides the music player.
- resetpos: Resets the anchors of the music player to the center of the screen.
- You can cycle through samples of the selected title (music) by clicking the "Play Sample" button.
Music Player
- A graphical UI allows you to control the jukebox. Play, Stop, Previous and Next buttons. To move the UI, ALT+RightMouseButton and drag to desired location.
Available Music
You can view the contents of each expansion by clicking on the links below.
- Classic World of Warcraft
- The Burning Crusade
- Wrath of the Lich King
- Cataclysm
- Mists of Pandaria
- Warlords of Draenor
- Events and miscellaneous
- Blizzard Music Rolls (WoD 6.1)
- Legion (link to come...)
- Battle for Azeroth (link to come...)
Known Issues
- Inter-addon communication may still contain bugs.
- Sometimes when changing from a zone not on the zonelist to a zone that is, GJB will play 2 consecutive songs. Working on a fix.
Before submitting your bug(s), check that you are using the latest version. If not, please update and also check if the bug hasn't already been submitted either as a ticket or in the project's description. Thank you.
Warning! If you were using v1.2.1.0 or older, this new version will reset your SavedVariables; the structures of the musictable and zonetable have changed and as a consequence, all of your jukeboxes (Jukebox, Advanced, STM) will be emptied. As a precaution, you can also backup your SavedVariables prior to using this new version (INSTALL_DIR\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT_NAME\SavedVariables\GarrisonJukeBox.lua).
For some reason the player keeps going through songs won't I don't allow it to. I did have "Inline" and "Shuffle" selected, then de-selected to see if it was causing the problem, but it wasn't. I don't know if it's because I am entering different areas on the map or if I am entering an event area like you said, but it just shuffles on it's own, I have no control over it. I want all the music to be played of course, but I don't know why it is randomly deciding to shuffle on it's own. I flew from the Argent Tournament to ICC and it changed about 9 times.
What version are you using?
Do you mean it plays songs you specified not to play in the exclusion list?
Is All Music checked?
Is All Zones checked?
Did you add all the zones that you are traversing?
One possibility is that if Storm Peaks is not added but only Icecrown Glacier and your flight path works along the seem of both zones, you will have this effect since the GJB stops to play music as soon as the charater hits a zone not in the zonelist and when you re-enter a zone on the zonelist, it starts a new random music.
I just downloaded it the day I wrote my first message, so it would have to be the most recent.
Nope, I chose to play every song, no exclusions.
If I want the jukebox to play all the music at random, but have it play the full duration of each piece of music in all the zones I have to make it so that it recognizes each zone?
This is making more sense now, while I wait for your reply I'll try to configure it! Thanks for the quick reply, if I figure it out before you get back to me I'll let you know. :)
Since all music and all zones is checked for you, this should not be happening. I did find a few bugs and have almost fixed them all. I will push a new version sometime this morning. Let me know if you still have issues once you update.
Only thing I'd like, and I'm not sure how viable it'd be, is different playlists for different zones. Like I enjoy the quiet music of WoD/Majestic while in my Garrison (with a light dash of MoP/Brewing), but I'd like to set up playlists for other zones too, like Warspear.
Again, not sure if it's viable, but an option I came up with is putting together multiple playlists, then each zone you want custom music for has a playlist assigned to it.
Just a thought. Love the addon :D
It is possible to add this functionality without impacting the current design, however, it would not be a small change. I may consider this in a future version. Thank you for your suggestion.
Is there a way to reset the players position it ended up outside the screen when i dragged it to the side when it had the super wide bar bug after a reload the player was gone and i assume ankered somewhere outside the visual screen now.
I tried reinstalling and resetting the profiles but it keeps beeing out the screen (it doesnt on other chars just 1 char) also a fresh instal (with also deleting the saved variables) still puts it outside the screen on that char.
Also with the upcoming garrison jukebox (in game one) i saw this:
But cant seem to find wich soundtrack that links to is this added in your list allready?
Also when i tick the enable pet battle music and i do pet battle in garrison i get the original garison music during pet battle.
Added Angelic in under Classic >> Ashenvale
Unless I'm mistaken, its called the Garrison
MusicboxJukebox :PEdit: /gjb resetpos will reset the position of the music player to the center of the screen.
For bug reports, I need a bit more info.
What version are you using?
Are you saying that the original garrison music plays during a pet battle, not the actual pet battle music?
Edit: I've found the problem, is now available.
thanks alot love this simple music addon to get rid of this horible garrison music that gets on my nerves, i saw someone mention beeing able to use it to edit other zones that that be a great future adition indeed.
GJB is currently able to play in selected zones (Zones tab), but if you were refering to having multiple playlists associated to more than one zone then that indeed, if I decide to do it, will be in a later version.
I'm glad the issue is resolved :)
Although I am wondering why the default zones were not automatically added. Will check that.
Edit: I took the default zones out for localization purposes until I change the references to numerical IDs like it should be.
Could have sworn i tried that before. Works now
As to your other question when playing sample you had to add it fresh or would play what ever was in the drop down
Your savedvariables indicate that you have no zones in your zonelist.
I was also curious to why you have 5 times the same music title in the jukebox list?
It looks OK to me.
GarrisonJukeBoxDB = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["Nadras - Uther"] = "Default",
["profiles"] = {
["Default"] = {
["musiclist"] = {
"Classic/Tirisfal Glades", -- [1]
"Classic/Tirisfal Glades", -- [2]
"Classic/Tirisfal Glades", -- [3]
"Classic/Tirisfal Glades", -- [4]
"Classic/Tirisfal Glades", -- [5]
["songlist"] = {
["Classic/Tirisfal Glades"] = {
["hidemusicplayer"] = true,
GarrisonJukeBoxLDBIconDB = nil
Can you copy paste your garrisonjukebox.lua file from your saved variables e.g. <INSTALL_DIR>\wtf\Account\<ACCOUNT>\SavedVariables\GarrisonJukeBox.lua
yup - it is also not showing any errors on Bug sack either
Are you using
Yea I tried that it just wont seem to to go. it will output to chat when i push the play sample though