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UploadedAug 10, 2008
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
r80124 | xinhuan | 2008-08-10 14:47:39 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-enUS.lua
GatherMate: Typo fix for herb name, Adder's Tonhue -> Adder's Tongue
r80113 | xinhuan | 2008-08-10 11:51:21 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-enUS.lua
GatherMate: Add new WotLK nodes to base enUS locale so that the addon doesn't error.
r80102 | kagaro | 2008-08-10 09:37:23 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
GatherMate: added new herb and mining node placeholder data. Will get a real graphic before beta ends, and since the mineral nodes in wrath currently have a placeholder name, expect this ti change before wraht goes live
r80086 | xinhuan | 2008-08-10 03:42:44 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Collector.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Display.lua
GatherMate: Add temporary code to collector, display and constants to ignore Scarlet Enclave map (Death Knight starting zone) because both EPL and SE translates to "Eastern Plaguelands" on the map and causes issues.
r80084 | kagaro | 2008-08-10 02:33:57 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
GatherMate: added northrend zones as calculated from latest path. Please note these could change any time from now till launch of WOTLK
r79804 | kagaro | 2008-08-05 08:15:25 -0400 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.toc
GatherMate: fixed name to match case as author tag on the wiki
r79794 | kagaro | 2008-08-05 07:47:59 -0400 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.toc
GatherMate: toc update to fix author name to be unified
r79521 | doktorjet | 2008-07-30 16:34:49 -0400 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-ruRU.lua
GatherMate: minor update of ruRU localization - fishing nodes.
r79488 | doktorjet | 2008-07-30 10:52:26 -0400 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.toc
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-ruRU.lua
GatherMate: updated russian locale, added ruRU notes to .toc
r79395 | kagaro | 2008-07-29 12:14:42 -0400 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-ruRU.lua
GatherMate: added ru translations, credit Dr. Jet Cheshirsky
r79265 | kagaro | 2008-07-27 13:46:41 -0400 (Sun, 27 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Config.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.lua
GatherMate: reverting change, use the config instead
r79261 | kagaro | 2008-07-27 13:37:59 -0400 (Sun, 27 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Config.lua
GatherMate: moved launcher to its own addon.
r79252 | kagaro | 2008-07-27 08:22:25 -0400 (Sun, 27 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Collector.lua
GatherMate: removed no longer need search string for gas cloud detection.
r79195 | kagaro | 2008-07-26 09:53:33 -0400 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
GatherMate: Added commented list of new zones and sizes to be check in wrath NOT active
r78952 | xinhuan | 2008-07-22 20:29:17 -0400 (Tue, 22 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Constants.lua
GatherMate: Comment out Bound Adamantite Chest in Constants.lua too, it is unused.
r78951 | xinhuan | 2008-07-22 20:27:30 -0400 (Tue, 22 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-deDE.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-enUS.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-frFR.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-koKR.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-zhCN.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-zhTW.lua
GatherMate: Remove "Bound Adamantite Chest" from the list of treasure objects we consider because 1. It only spawns in instances which can't be tracked 2. Some languages have the translation of it the same as "Adamantite Bound Chest", causing route creation issues in Routes due to conflicting reverse translations.
r78840 | kagaro | 2008-07-21 08:14:43 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Config.lua
GatherMate: changed launcher = true to type = "launcher"
r78838 | kagaro | 2008-07-21 07:53:38 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Config.lua
GatherMate: updated the o to O for linux and fixed global launcher to local variable. Thanks vharr and ammo
r78837 | kagaro | 2008-07-21 07:49:50 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.toc
GatherMate: toc fix
r78835 | kagaro | 2008-07-21 07:18:08 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /trunk/GatherMate/Artwork/Icon.tga
M /trunk/GatherMate/Config.lua
M /trunk/GatherMate/GatherMate.toc
GatherMate: added libdatabroker support (a launcher has been requested alot so its been added asa LDB option now), updated teh toc for 2.4.3 and added an icon, credits to OttaDeFe for the icon.
r78567 | kunda | 2008-07-16 13:06:38 -0400 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GatherMate/Locales/GatherMate-deDE.lua
GatherMate: deDE update (Patch 2.4.3)