conflict with totem timer #17

  • Zengu_XD created this issue Jun 18, 2021

    I think its a problem regarding TotemTimers addon, but if you can do something to isolate your code between TotemTimers and yours. Or just arguing directly with TotemTimers team. thanks :D

    649x TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:552: attempt to compare nil with number
    [string "@TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua"]:552: in function <TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:522>
    [string "@TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua"]:243: in function `Update'
    [string "@TotemTimers\XiTimers-200.nil.lua"]:71: in function <TotemTimers\XiTimers.lua:66>

    timer = <table> {
    playerEvents = <table> {
    Activate = <function> defined @TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:103
    manaCheckCount = 0
    durations = <table> {
    actionBar = <table> {
    running = 1
    button = XiTimers_Timer2 {
    activeTotem = 8143
    OOCAlpha = 1
    nrOfTimers = 4
    animation = <table> {
    timeStyle = "mm:ss"
    isAnimating = false
    locked = false
    barDelay = 0
    maxAlpha = 1
    rangeCheckCount = 0
    warningSpells = <table> {
    totemRange = 40
    Start = <function> defined @TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:151
    warningPoint = 2
    bar = 4
    manaCheck = "Tremor Totem"
    timers = <table> {
    timerBarPos = "BOTTOM"
    active = true
    timerOnButton = false
    warningIcons = <table> {
    manaCheckMini = true
    expirationMsgs = <table> {
    procFlash = true
    StopPulse = true
    nr = 2
    spacing = 5
    XiTimersStart = <function> defined @TotemTimers\XiTimers.lua:334
    savePos = false
    timerBars = <table> {
    earlyExpirationMsgs = <table> {
    actnr = 2
    timersRunning = <table> {
    Stop = <function> defined @TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:160
    anchors = <table> {
    barDuration = 0
    Update = <function> defined @TotemTimers\SetupTimers.lua:238
    XiTimersStop = <function> defined @TotemTimers\XiTimers.lua:386
    barTimer = 0
    events = <table> {
    timeSpacing = 0
    timeColor = <table> {
    anchorchilds = <table> {
    warningMsgs = <table> {
    stopQuiet = false
    unit = "party2"
    unitGUID = nil
    enchantID = nil
    wfDuration = nil
    rangeDot = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    inRange = false
    x = 1869
    y = 2980
    zone = 530
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = 40
    (*temporary) = 530
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = 1869
    (*temporary) = 2980
    (*temporary) = "attempt to compare nil with number"
    partyGUIDs = <table> {
    Player-4464-026898D4 = "party2"
    Player-4464-012513EB = "party1"
    Player-4464-0236F409 = "party3"
    Player-4464-017E2C3E = "party4"
    TotemWeaponEnchants = <table> {
    563 = 8512
    1783 = 8512
    543 = 8227
    2637 = 8227
    564 = 8512
    2638 = 8512
    285 = 8227
    2639 = 8512
    1683 = 8227
    124 = 8227
    3014 = 8512
    HBD = <table> {
    mapData = <table> {
    GetAllMapIDs = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:347
    UpdateCurrentPosition = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:266
    callbacks = <table> {
    GetPlayerZone = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:551
    ___DIIDO = <table> {
    transforms = <table> {
    GetLocalizedMap = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:331
    eventFrame = <unnamed> {
    GetPlayerZonePosition = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:559
    GetPlayerWorldPosition = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:539
    GetZoneDistance = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:483
    GetUnitWorldPosition = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:527
    GetWorldCoordinatesFromZone = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:359
    GetWorldDistance = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:469
    RegisterCallback = <function> defined @AtlasLootClassic\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
    GetWorldCoordinatesFromAzerothWorldMap = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:374
    UnregisterCallback = <function> defined @AtlasLootClassic\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
    GetZoneSize = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:338
    worldMapData = <table> {
    GetZoneCoordinatesFromWorld = <function> defined @GatherMate2\Libs\HereBeDragons\HereBeDragons-2.0.lua:

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