Disappearing nodes #28

  • qStileq created this issue Jan 4, 2022

    For the past few weeks, the mining nodes and herbs keep disappearing from both the mini map and the world map. This is happening to everyone in my guild. The nodes will be for a min or two then disappear. They only way to get them back is to reload the game every 2-3 mins.


  • tronicmighty1 posted a comment Jun 16, 2022

    it gone completely for me where it never show up at all.


  • danirose3595 posted a comment Nov 11, 2022

    Seems like this is still an issue, at least for Flame Cap. I'm herbing the Ragevile from where the Flame Cap spawn points are and the icon will disappear. I have to re-import the data and the icons will reappear.

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