Node cluttering #4

  • user-100328953 created this issue Dec 10, 2020

    When there's a very tight cluster of several nodes of the same type, it can get quite messy on the map. I would like to recommend such a feature where, if there's a cluster of several nodes of the same type and they are overlapping by atleast a user defined amount, they would be merged into one big circle that contains all the nodes instead of having a cluster of several small green cricles within such a close distance to each other on the minimap that it looks like a garbled mess. To signify the player of how many nodes exactly there are of that type in the greater circle, you could show a small transparent number on it, or something similiar. Or maybe have the larger supercircle be of slightly diferent color to signify the presence of multiple nodes in a very close proximity to each other. Or, if possible and feasible, it might not have to be a supercircle, since that can be slightly ambiguous as to where the nodes exactly lie, but something where the overlapping parts of the smaller circles would not be drawn so that you would have like a bubbly cloud looking cluster.

  • user-100328953 edited description Dec 10, 2020

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