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Just want to inform, that the localization for some German nodes have changed. They were not tracked. I had some similar problem in the past. So I looked into GatherMate2-deDE.lua and changed them
NL["Mithril Deposit"] = "Mithrilablagerung"
NL["Gold Vein"] = "Goldvorkommen"
NL["Truesilver Deposit"] = "Echtsilberablagerung"
NL["Rich Thorium Vein"] = "Reiches Thoriumvorkommen"
NL["Small Thorium Vein"] = "Kleines Thoriumvorkommen"
NL["Mithril Deposit"] = "Mithrilvorkommen"
NL["Gold Vein"] = "Goldader"
NL["Truesilver Deposit"] = "Echtsilbervorkommen"
NL["Rich Thorium Vein"] = "Reiche Thoriumader"
NL["Small Thorium Vein"] = "Kleine Thoriumader"
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