This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Database dump for GatherMate
Data is gathered from several sources, including user submitted data.
LoL, The 1.25 data is a the top. It shows ore veins and herbs all over hellfire in places where I certainly never saw any. Hundreds of Khorium veins...if only :)
When i type /gathermate i see a empety gathermate screen i see no red button or something like that, i am sure i did enabled the gathermate and gathermate_data.
I can only assume you typo'd "data" into "date." If that's the case, then you need to download "Gathermate" which is the core mod that this database goes with. Follow the detailed instructions a couple comments below.
/gathermate is the command you want. Download Gathermate. Also download this mod, GatherMate_Data. Unzip both of them into your WoW/interface/addons folder, like any other add-ons. Do not put them together, they need to stay separate. At your character screen go into "add-ons" and enable both mods. Then, when you are in the game, type /gathermate. The main menu for gathermate will come up. Set the professions and options that you are interested in. Display nodes on both the world map and the minimap if you desire. You will find a button labeled "import data." Hit that, and it will import this mod into gathermate, giving you all the nodes in the Wowhead DataBase. There are no buttons or anything on-screen during normal game, you MUST use /gathermate to access the options. Again, I hope this helps those of you who have questions.
is there a problem with gathermate and mac users......i have files in my gathermate folder that wont open it tells me to choose and application for me to open it ?
You don't want to open the files contained in the AddOn's directory. just move the folder to the place where you put your AddOns (usually /Applications/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons)) and launch WoW
If for any reason you want to actually inspect the content of the AddOn files, they're plain ASCII documents. Opening them with TextEdit (or BBEdit ...) works just fine.
Your Finder asks you to pick an Application to open the files with because it doesn't know the file extensions *.toc, *.lua and such.
dont worry i have found someone talking about it on the main addon page.
Go download gathermate data which contains the location of every node in the WoWhead database. Unzip it into your WoW add-ons folder, just like any other mod. Then go into the gathermate config and "import data."
hope this helps some others trying to sort this out
ok i have everything loaded the gathermate_data the gatherer thing so how will i be able to see where every minning thing is. will it work without me having been there. so um can you go into more detail please. thx
I am not able to find the import options. No icon for Gathermate is showing up. Look in interface options, map window and main interface, nothing, no mention of Gathermate. The base functionality is working fine but Gathermate_data does nothing. Also, checked and updated both Gathermate and Gathermat_data to the most current versions. Please advise.
I have a ton of gas and fishing data that's not in online database, especially for northrend, but how do I submit it to the database you use so they can appear in gathermate_data?
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Does wowdb keep in mind that different herbs share the same spawnpoint in some areas?
Data is extracted from wowdb once a week via automated scripts. If the data is bad on thier webstei then it will be reflected in game.
gathermate_date dependency missing
how can i fix it ?
If for any reason you want to actually inspect the content of the AddOn files, they're plain ASCII documents. Opening them with TextEdit (or BBEdit ...) works just fine.
Your Finder asks you to pick an Application to open the files with because it doesn't know the file extensions *.toc, *.lua and such.
Go download gathermate data
which contains the location of every node in the WoWhead database. Unzip it into your WoW add-ons folder, just like any other mod. Then go into the gathermate config and "import data."
hope this helps some others trying to sort this out
plz help.