All Namespaces
- |cffaa0000(Distribute: %dg)|r
- [GDKPd] Loot dropped:
- [GDKPd] This raid uses GDKPd to faciliate its GDKP bidding process. While you can bid on items without having GDKPd installed, installing it provides you with a GUI bidding panel, auto bidding functions, auction timers, chat filtering and more!
- [GDKPd] Your version of GDKPd is outdated and no longer compatible with the raid leader's in one or more functionalities. In order to ensure smooth performance, please update GDKPd.
- [GDKPd] Your version of GDKPd is slightly outdated compared to the raid leader's. Full compability should be possible, however, you might want to take some time and update GDKPd.
- |cff8888ffGDKPd:|r This destructive action requires that you hold down the shift key. (Safe delete mode is |cff00ff00ON|r)
- Add new condition
- Add new rule
- Allow multiple simultanous auctions
- Always show the "Hide" button on bid frames
- Amount
- Anchor balance window to status window
- Announce & auto-auction
- Announce auction start to raid warning
- Announce bids to raid warning
- Announce loot
- Announce the current pot amount after each auction
- Any money subtracted from raid members is added to the pot and vice versa
- Appearance options
- Are you sure you want to mail %s gold to player %s?
- Auction bid timeout refresh
- Auction history
- Auction note: %s
- Auction timeout
- Auto bid
- Auto-award loot to winner
- Award loot to Master Looter when auto-auctioning
- Balance
- Behaviour options
- Bid
- Bid button re-enable delay
- Broadcast rules
- Cancel auction
- Cannot start auction without Master Looter privileges.
- Condition #%s
- Conditions
- Control panel scale
- Countdown timer announce interval
- Current bid:
- Delete condition
- Delete rule
- Distribute
- Do not announce
- Do you want to save your pot or reset without saving? You can also add a note to the pot.
- Due to the changes to the addon message system implemented in patch 4.2, GDKPd is no longer able to communicate using its old version checking standard. Thus, this version of GDKPd will only be able to send and receive version checks from and to versions 1.2.0 and above of GDKPd. While all other functionalities of GDKPd should still be compatible with previous versions, we |cffff0000strongly recommend updating GDKPd to version 1.2.0 or above|r.
- Edit conditions
- Enable
- Enter the amount you want to add to player %s:
- Enter the amount you want to add to the pot:
- Enter the amount you want to subtract from player %s:
- Enter the amount you want to subtract from the pot:
- Enter the maximum amount of money you want to bid on %s:
- Export
- Filter is always false
- For each item, rules are processed top to bottom. If a matching rule is found, anything below that rule is ignored. If no matching rules are found, the settings configured in %s are used. For a rule to match, all conditions in that rule must be fulfilled.
- Frame alpha
- Frame scale
- GDKPd auction history
- GDKPd auction history for %s
- GDKPd version %s. Packaged %s.
- GDKPd: Drag to move /gdkpd and check "Lock" to hide
- GDKPd: No detailed data available
- Hide
- Hide 'Auction cancelled' announcements
- Hide 'Auction cancelled' announcements from raid warning
- Hide 'Auction finished' announcements
- Hide 'Bidding starts' announcements
- Hide 'Bidding starts' announcements from raid warning
- Hide chat messages
- Hide 'Current pot:' announcements
- Hide frames in combat
- Hide history window
- Hide 'New highest bidder' announcements
- Hide players' bid messages
- Hide status and balance windows
- Hide 'Time remaining' announcements
- Hide version check window
- Highest bidder: %s
- History
- If this rule is reached, default settings will be used.
- If turned on, requires the shift key to be held down to enable certain destructive actions.
- Item ID is one of the following: %s
- Item id is one of...
- Item IDs
- Item level is between %d and %d inclusive
- Item level within range...
- Item name
- Item name equals...
- Item name is exactly "%s"
- Item name matches Lua pattern...
- Item name matches pattern "%s"
- Link raid member balance to pot
- List of item IDs. Any non-numerical character is treated as a seperator.
- Lock
- Lower bounds
- Lower limit on item level (inclusive)
- Mail money
- Manual adjustment
- Minimum bid:
- Minimum increment
- Minimum quality
- Move down
- Move to before rule #...
- Move up
- Notification options
- Notify outdated versions
- Notify outdated versions that are compatible with your version
- Notify outdated versions that aren't compatible with your version
- Notify raid members that do not have GDKPd installed
- Pattern
- PERMANENTLY deletes this rule.
- Player balance
- Pot export
- Pot size: %d|cffffd100g|r
- Prevent dragging and hide anchor
- Removes this condition from the rule. A rule with no conditions can never be true.
- Reordering options
- Request version data
- Require confirmation when mailing pot shares
- Restart auction
- Revert highest bid
- Rule #%s
- Rules
- Safe delete mode
- Second bidder share
- Set increment
- Set starting bid
- Show
- Show addon frames
- Show auction duration spiral
- Show countdown text on auction duration spiral
- Show reordering options
- Special case rules
- Special rule: Use default settings
- Starting bid
- Stop bid
- The amount of seconds between each announcement of the remaining time
- The amount of seconds that have to pass after a bid before the auction is closed
- The amount of seconds that have to pass before the auction is closed without bids recieved
- Third bidder share
- This player does not have GDKPd running or his version of GDKPd does not yet support version checks.
- This player has the same version of GDKPd as you do. Full compability is ensured.
- This player's version of GDKPd is more advanced than yours. Please consult your Curse Client for updates or manually check the curse.com page.
- This player's version of GDKPd is outdated and one or more functionalities are not compatible:
- This player's version of GDKPd is outdated. However, their version should be fully compatible with yours.
- This version of GDKPd was never functional due to internal errors.
- This version will be unable to recognize auctions cancelled by you.
- This version will be unable to recognize auctions started by you.
- This version will be unable to recognize version check requests by you. Version check requests sent by this version of GDKPd will not be answered.
- This version's player balance window will be unable to recognize distributions by you.
- This will completely wipe your auction history and is IRREVERSIBLE. Are you completely SURE you want to do this?
- Toggle zero balance
- Upper bounds
- Upper limit on item level (inclusive)
- Use looting system loot threshold setting
- Use slim bidding window even while Master Looter
- Version notifications
- Version status for player %s
- Versions
- Visibility settings
- WARNING! If you use the slim bidding frame, you will be unable to cancel auctions and revert bids! Are you certain you want to do this?
- Wipe history
- You have looted a monster! Do you want GDKPd to announce loot?
- You have selected the current pot, size %d gold. What do you want to do with this pot?
- You have selected the following pot: %s, dated %s, size %d gold. What do you want to do with this pot?