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UploadedMar 11, 2011
Size10.24 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.0.6
tag beta1
root <root@db06.curselive.local>
2011-03-11 22:43:14 +0000
Tagging as beta1
- make it a luadoc comment
- fix indention
- documentation
- put the name in a variable
- alignment
- use constants for color
- documentation
- indention
- acedb stuff
- not a text
- fix indention in .pkgmeta
- create a .pkg meta and set up the rest
- unfortunately, there is no coauthor tag
Schnurz Egal:
- remove this file
- CR/LF Problem
- clean up folder
- Update toc
- some handling changes
- another bugfix
- bugfix
- tooltip polish
- typo
- New Icon
- whitespace
use spaces, 4 spaces per tab, use NL
- make it a luadoc comment
- seems better
Schnurz Egal:
- show and hide tipframe for details of Gem
- and back to tipframe
- some toottip show and hide stuff
- removed some useless stuff
- removed some Debug stuff working tooltip for gems working collapse/expand category ToDo: Update Tooltip after collapse/expand
- gemcount.lua:236 attempt to concatenate local 'color' (a table value) Why that?
- vars: again id -> link acedb
- alignment
Schnurz Egal:
- name the frame
- vars: id -> link
- syntax: end if -> end
- really. no. end if. ever.
Schnurz Egal:
- some corrections
- there is no end if in lua
- no statement after return
- that never was an id, it's always been a link also add assertion at usage
- don't name the frame
Schnurz Egal:
- some stylingstuff and formatting in tooltip Importand todo: build addon.db Ace3 settings
- Some Sorting and Styling Stuff
- som testing with the Tooltip
- bugfix
- Testing Gametooltip showing details of Gem
- Release Tooltip on Leave
- don't create frame everytime
Schnurz Egal:
- Merge branch 'master', remote branch 'origin'
- Cleanup
- Persistant Tooltip funktioniert jetzt
- docu typo
- blizz changed this in patch 4.06
Schnurz Egal:
- Make Init Event configurable on Top to test events
- nil check
- "tooltip" overrides "OnEnter"/"OnLeave" -> be gone!
- renamed update_tooltip to fillTooltip
- fill feels like a better wording
- codestyle
- remove old code
- move tooltip to addon.tooltip
no particular reason, just my style
- debug stuff
Schnurz Egal:
- Show Tooltip only once. Secound time it is empty
- use addon.dataObject instead of self
- show it
Schnurz Egal:
- Leerer Tooltip
- LibQTip Integration
- Wiedererkennungswert
- Variable
- Formatting
- localization fix
Schnurz Egal:
- Syntax
- fix do block
Schnurz Egal:
- Initial Event
- removed localization of gemcolors as this can be done ingame
- camelcase typo
- output
- camel case
- store more
- if present, store the gem's name, else remove entry
- combination of slotname and gem id
- table for gem information
- need the gem's name
- cache gemcount
- formatting
- documentation upgrade
- documentation upgrade
- rewording
- add a brief description
- swap them
in general first parameter then return
- whitespace
- typo, type, more details, capitalization
- not localized
- use addon name here
Schnurz Egal:
- Documentation
- Minor Design Changes
- event für erstmaliges starten
- documentation
- Useless
- Event 'UNIT_STATS' mal sehn was es bringt
- this might simplify things... or break
- bugfix
Schnurz Egal:
- Fix Typo
- rename gemcount_updateldb->updateLDB
There is NO point at all in prefixing local functions.
- consider it a constant
- codestyle
no ; at end of line
- don't need that event
- no point in doing something before the addon is enabled
- alignment
- documentation
- consider it a constant
- create the dataobject not onload but OnEnable dataobject is no longer local but now a member of addon
- bug fix.
- dont register events on load, register OnEnable
- thats currently a local function
- rename dataobj->dataObject
- split dataobject creation in two parts
- function is no longer strictly local
- formatting
- move dataobject creation upwards
not sure if this is working 100% now
- extract dataobject name to connstant
see a pattern here?
- extract addon name to constant
- extract locale name to constant
- alignment
- move acelocale upwards, too
- move library fetching up
- long form is more readable
- extract AceAddon to a local variable
no specific reason, probably not even an improvement in speed, on the other hand executed only once anyway.
does improve readability though
- remove unneeded frame and event stuff
- rename function Gemcount_Checkmeta->checkMeta
- rename function CountGem->countGems
- move two function to local block
- make functions local.
- begin structure of code
- remove unneeded code
- alignment
- i think these names are pseudo constants
Schnurz Egal:
- - Events für LDB Text verwendet (sollte evtl umgestellt werden auf None Ace Event, weil es dann alles in einer function erledigt werden kann) - Status des Meta Gem ausgewertet (passende Farbe für aktiven/inaktiven Meta muss noch verbessert werden)
- Neue Testversion zum mergen von Chils Änderungen
- grammar
- alignment
- Constants for color.
- codestyle
i use single quotes for strings which are basically constants and double quotes for texts
Schnurz Egal:
- Done: - Lokalization - Typos - Order - LDB Text now shows Colorformatet Count of Gems (Updaterate 10 Secounds) Todo: - Updateevent should be changed to Events for Equipmentchange instead of Timer
- Neuer Versuch mit lokalisierung
- Test der Lokalisierung
- Documentation
- ignoring compiled file
- debug in case of unknown gemcolor
- debugging related
Get a DebugLogBackend.
- documentation
- That should not be needed.
- feature: add the gem information to tooltip
- codestyle
player is a fixed string constant
- Documentation start.
- documentation
- documentation
- codestyle
- documentation, codestyle
- split declaration in two
- bugfix, move function declaration before us
The local variable LDBclick was not defined at the point it was first used.
- comments
- codestyle
- tweaks, comments
- autoformat
- move to top, mainly codestyle
Schnurz Egal:
- Neue Reihenfolge
- Funktionierender LDB DataFeed mit Leftclick zum Charframe Toggle und einer einzeiligen Tooltipzeile
- Removed changelog, renamed libs
Changelog has nothing to do here
Libs should better be libs
Schnurz Egal:
- Erster Test mit Libs und zusammenkopierten Funktionen für LDB Ausgabe und Gem Erfassung
- Dies ist nur die Versionsbeschreibung
- Readme