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What is the nature of the defect?
If I am in combat I can't close the Gnomeworks window.
What (if anything) triggers the defect? (happens when loading, when activating the mod, when clicking a particular button, etc)
Please post any error messages associated with the defect.
There are no errors.
this is due to utilizing secure buttons. i'll see if i can minimize their use or come up with some other way to get them to work...
Yeah I get that. It's just annoying if you've crafted some bandages after a fight and accidently aggro something else. You can't see what you're fighting! :)
well, one thing i'd like to do is have some ability to craft without bringing up the ui. so you could do something like /craft 10 [bandages] (name, link, itemID).
then you could quickly craft your bandages without worrying about a ui or anything.
Well that wouldn't help when I didn't 'intend' to be in combat but ended up in combat anyway.
i'll see about reducing my use of secure frames. might be able to reduce the chance you get stuck with gw open.
What about an option to close the frame when entering combat ?
That sounds like a good catch-all option, for the situations that can't be worked around. Even better, I think it's actually possible to implement. I believe the entering combat event is one that can be used to hide secure frames.
Anyway, though my knowledge of the intricacies of secure frames is limited, I thought there was a way to hide secure frames, even in combat, as long as it's in response to a hardware event, so it should be possible to make it so GW is still responsive to the close button.
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