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Situation:I have a character with a lot of empty space in four Inscription Bags and only 10 empty slots in the backpack.My personal bank have a lot of pigments!
- I open GW (tradeskill frame) then I queue ALL pigments to inks
- GW say need get pigments from bank
- I open the bank click on queue summary to get pigments an only gets 10 stack to backpack an says:
"GnomeWorks: cannot collect some items due to lack of bag space"
But Inscription bags are EMPTY with a lot of space remaining ^^
hmm... i don't think i tested specialty bags, so i could see how that might happen. thanks for the ticket.
If you check current available space don't get the "free" space from professional bags.
But I don't Understand because the moved INK don't go direct to professional bag and goes to specific backpack free space, because if I click on item at bank goes to inscription bag automatically, but not using your windows summary function.
yeah, it seems like it's not understanding the specialty bags properly. i have code in there to handle it, but it's likely never really been put through the ringer.
i'll make sure to take a look at this for the next revision.
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