Inscription incomplete shopping list #268

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser280725
  • _ForgeUser4251173 created this issue Jan 2, 2011
    What is the nature of the defect? The shopping list is not showing any reagents. I have noticed that its only Ink that is missing from the reagent list. However when I look at all the glyphs I have queued it says "Missing Reagent:" followed by the missing ink. What (if anything) triggers the defect? (happens when loading, when activating the mod, when clicking a particular button, etc) I think it is the Inks. I have used ktq to add Glyphs, and tried to add them manually also. Please post any error messages associated with the defect. There is none? Here is a screenshot that shows the actual problem:
  • _ForgeUser4251173 added the tags New Defect Jan 2, 2011
  • _ForgeUser4251173 added an attachment gnomeworks_ss.jpg Jan 2, 2011


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