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I click the red options button to change some settings but the flyout menu keeps closing too fast before you even have time to select something.
Just realized right-clicking on the Craftable and Inventory columns also does the same thing, menu closes too fast and you don't have time to pick an option.
So does the Group by Category area, and the small arrow next to that.
Basically, everything that gives a flyout options menu closes like that.
Every usage of UIDropDownMenu in every addon is like that - - UIDropDownMenu is pretty hokey, and there are some taint issues that Blizzard has yet to resolve with it. Sometimes they close too fast, sometimes they hang around when you wish they would close. I haven't noticed GW closing its options dropdown any faster than any of the other addons I run, but I've noticed the behavior of UIDropDownMenu to be kind of random - - most likely some addon is causing a ui update that closes the menu.
Whether or not it can be protected from this kind of event, I don't know. I think the menus in general should stay open until the player closes them, or clicks outside their area, but they tend to close at random.
I have no problems with any of my other addons that use that. And when I said GW had this issue I meant, it closed REALLY fast.
I'm cleaning up issues.
I don't have any problems with context menu's.
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