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Potential bug fix for:The Queue window does not update correctly when crafting materials are collected from the bank.
Example:In the main window click QUEUE to craft an item that has materials in the bank.Minor Glyph of Porcupine is selected and QUEUE is clicked.The Queue window shows there are 10 Stranglekelp in the bank.Go to then bank, talk to the teller and open the bank bags.Click on the Queue window Reagent line "bank" -or- reagent line "Stranglekelp" and the materials are collected from the bank into your inventory bags.The Reagent window will incorrectly show Vendor3 Midnight Ink Missing3 Ink of Dreams.
The workaround was to clear the queue then requeue the Glyph with the materials in inventory. It would progress to the next step of milling the herbs.
*** Here is a potential fix that needs verified: ***
Queue.lua line 318Comment out "Return 0"from if not reagentsChanged then AddItemsToShoppingList(player, entry) Return 0 endto if not reagentsChanged then AddItemsToShoppingList(player, entry)-- Return 0 end
Now when materials are collected from the bank the Queue window correctly updates to[Process Mill Stranglekelp x 2]I haven't noticed any new bugs yet so please verify with testing.
I applied this patch, so far all good, and it works great with grabbing stuff from the bank
fixed in r190
@remcoros: Go
I reverted this fix because it breaks reagent calculation logic.
I am going to have another look at this issue.
yeah, i'm not surprised this breaks something else...
i've tried to make the queue not recalculate too frequently, but still present up to date information. it could be that it doesn't recalculate properly after collecting the bank items. possible tests would be to do other manipulations to the queue adding items, adjust counts, selecting different sources. see if any of those result in proper recalculation.
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