This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
hi LS, been catching up on the posts and have noticed that you are looking for accurate drop rates for milling etc. There is an addon called spoof's pigments that tracks the drop rates as you mill. This may be useful for you to look at to see if GW could incorporate something similar. Maybe even link the data to other's in guild that use GW to make it more accurate, ie. something similar to gatherer?
Doo xx
EDIT: Also, I've attached a screen shot of the QP results to illustrate the missing items in the bottom window. Please also note that it was set to queue on of each item and it had queued 2 or 4.
If you need me to dig further for you just point me in the right direction! :p
Question on Queue Profitable:
What is the difference between profit margin and profit? Does one override the other and, if so, which on take precedence?
Hi LS, how i can empty guildbank inventory count without reset the rest of bags/bank ?
something like /script GnomeWorksDB.vendorConversionRecipes = {} but on gbank..
thanks ;)
Once: using KTQ adds a lot of items at time and every interaction GW calculate inventory/craftable/skillups columns…try disable and tell me if there are or not difference, but GW don’t store these options :/
I think something has borked KTQ, everytime I try to use /ktq queue 3 glyph WoW freezes completely and I have to close it out.
I've used both scripts listed here, the one to clear the recipe list and the one reset vendor conversions, nothing has changed. One time after I restarted wow and got back in, I had a full queue as if it worked before it froze but I couldn't change any of the conversion rates to "purchase or "from alt", it just didn't work.
new rev should re-learn vendor conversions without all the /script mumbo jumbo. the first time it comes across a vendor conversion for a session, it will (silently) re-record it and only notify you if there's a change.
also, fixed the "create all" problem and added new cata data sets (herbs, ores, common skills, disenchants).
ravendos, that error comes from the code that configures the process button. the 243126 number is the recipeID. i can tell by the recipeID it's a vendor conversion because my vendor conversion recipeID's are 200000+itemID of the created item. so the item created by this recipeID is itemID 43126, which is ink of the sea. it would appear that your ink of the sea vendor conversion isn't providing the full data somehow. have you visited the ink vendor to re-learn the conversions?
Sadly that didn't do anything for me. As I said, I think it might be KTQ that is having the issue now, but if this error looks familiar that would be awesome... (well as awesome as an error is)
tradeID is nil for entry table: 23B0CA78 243126
That gets repeated very slowly in my chat frame over and over and over.
that will delete the recipe list for "playerName" (sub in your toon's name). this is basically a list of the spells you know (not the actual data, just a flag indicating this toon knows the spell/recipe). it's possible that vendor recipes are still being referenced here and causing a problem when it tries to find them and cannot (since they've been deleted). you don't need to reload, just browse ALL your tradeskills (including milling, common skills, vendor, etc) to add them back into the list.
see if that fixes things.
obviously, this needs to be handled automatically by gw. i'll probably just force it to re-learn recipes the first time you visit each session. if it detects a change, it'll note it.
feherandor, blizzard has changed the ink conversions a couple times now. the vendor conversion system doesn't currently have a means to re-learn recipes. i don't build in any of these recipes and instead require that you learn them from the vendors. i'll make this work better soon.
chocolatemalt, yeah. i need to get the personal auction scanner functioning. i want to make sure i sort out all my inventory issues first tho. should be soon.
Is there a way to enable AH inventory counts in the inventory column? I'd like to create new glyphs but can't do that without knowing which of them I've already got on the AH.
And now I think that broke it for KTQ for me. So I'm going to try to figure that one out now. I'm about 99% sure it's not gnomeworks that is causing a return of tradeID nil, but thought you should know that's what happened when I used the script. I'll poke around and let you know if the correction of the ethereal ink conversion helped.
sarah, the trainable stuff is kinda experimental. you shouldn't see any of those recipes, tho. the way it basically works is that when you visit a trainer, it records the levels at which you can train those recipes. it then compares those leves to your current level and adds them to the skill list if you meet the level requirement. did you visit a first aid trainer? is the worgen the toon that's logged in or are you viewing its first aid via a trade link?
anyway, you can turn them off by filtering for any difficulty other than trainable. but again, this was kind of a quick hack/experiment to help me level up a scribe and just see where it went. i think when i actually implement it for real, it'll be in some kind of "training mode" system.
and i haven't actually touched the frame stuff. that's how random and inexplicable it is.
ravendos, yeah, my mistake. i saw ink of the sea in the list and was thinking it was being suggested in order to do conversions rather than simply being used in some of your glyphs. duh. how are you buying? by clicking the "vendor" header to buy all or by clicking individual inks in the list? it could be the "buy all" functionality is stepping on itself in some fashion. also, make sure that all of your vendor conversions are accurate.
your second screen shot has 1045 total inks to buy. the first has only 867. the difference is 178 or 89+47+42 (the number of ethereal inks it purchased via conversion). i'm sure that's significant in some way. my hunch is that maybe your vendor conversions aren't all accurate. you should be able to browse them. make sure there are no iots conversions or anything else out of place.
edit: okay, i think i know what's up. check etherial ink's conversion recipe. they recently changed it to be a 1:1 conversion just a couple days ago. it's likely that you have the old recipe. i really need to figure out a way to relearn recipes on the fly...
I'm not sure where you see that I am using the iots conversion. I have been using the new inks since... a bit ago. What you see in my screenshot is the addon telling me to convert 500ish of the new ink into iots, which can be done now...
So one more here who can't create all and really misses it. :-)
Also, can you explain how "Trainable" works? (If you haven't already.) I just made a brand-new level 8 worgen and trained first aid and not it says Trainable (5 recipes) Silk, Heavy Linen, Wool, Heavy Wool and Anti-Venom.
This is definitely not true as my first aid is 7 ⁄ 75. I wonder if it's mistaking the fact that I'm an apprentice and considering all apprentice-level recipes as available? Or is it just showing every trainer recipe? (We already have all recipes, so I'm not sure why you would want to put that in our recipe list.)
Also, is there a way to disable the trainable recipes? Even if it worked as I imagine is intended, to help us level by showing when new recipes become available, I'm not sure I want it for all my characters.
I haven't been seeing the unresponsive recipe list thing lately. I hope it's fixed, as it totally ruins usability. Thanks for looking at it. :-)
i have had that problem to was your Queue Empty before you ran that CMD ?
if not remove the Gnomework.lua in Your Savevariable folder in WTF ( WOW/WTF/ACC/Savevariable/gnomework.lua as it is the one that saves the vendor conevrsion.
what i did was move gnomework.lua from WTF to Desktop (With WOW Not Running) then start Wow And See if GW Works you might what to check the vendor conv and see if it is ok if not run the CMD again and reload then it should work. you can nowput the gnomework.lua you have on desktop in your trashcan.
Heya LilSparky, love the program, truely! I do seem to be having an issue with the create all command, i.e. it's not working.
Also, as a side note, any chance of cleaning up the text on how many you can make of an item? Like, perhaps a (8) next to the text after the item name showing you can make them? Would love it, thanks!
to get the "Vendor"settings right with Jessica Sellers. It worked and now 1 for 1 with BVlackfallow is indicated. What it also did was to corrupt GW enough to make it not be able to generate a queue. As soon as I try to qyueue anything I get this error
I know it says r96 but it happened in r98 and this was me trying to go back to an earlier version. I am ru7nning all the latest versions of LSW, GW and KTQ
Any ideas here please. I am using KTQ to actually queue the glyphs but it also happens if I try to queue one manually. I have also tried reverting back to earlier versions without success. Any help here is greatly appreciated.
derfla, i'm using mapster 1.40 with no problems at all. very odd. what you could do is go into the addonloader lua file and add two things to help debug. in the OnEvent function add at the top:
and then at the end of the file, add this:
that will print the addon_loaded events as they occur.
then you can add some prints to the gw load process to see when they occur in relation to the ADDON_LOADED events. if the load event comes after gw has supposedly registered that event, then something is broken. if it somehow comes before, then something is goofy in a different way...
ravendos, the one thing that strikes be immediately is that you have the "ink of the sea" conversion, it would appear. the new conversion is ... err... a different ink (blackfallow?). unfortunately, i need to add a means to re-learn vendor recipes in-game. for now you can do this:
hi LS, been catching up on the posts and have noticed that you are looking for accurate drop rates for milling etc. There is an addon called spoof's pigments that tracks the drop rates as you mill. This may be useful for you to look at to see if GW could incorporate something similar. Maybe even link the data to other's in guild that use GW to make it more accurate, ie. something similar to gatherer?
Doo xx
EDIT: Also, I've attached a screen shot of the QP results to illustrate the missing items in the bottom window. Please also note that it was set to queue on of each item and it had queued 2 or 4.
If you need me to dig further for you just point me in the right direction! :p
Hi LS, how i can empty guildbank inventory count without reset the rest of bags/bank ?
something like
/script GnomeWorksDB.vendorConversionRecipes = {}
but on gbank..
thanks ;)
Once: using KTQ adds a lot of items at time and every interaction GW calculate inventory/craftable/skillups columns…try disable and tell me if there are or not difference, but GW don’t store these options :/
I think something has borked KTQ, everytime I try to use /ktq queue 3 glyph WoW freezes completely and I have to close it out.
I've used both scripts listed here, the one to clear the recipe list and the one reset vendor conversions, nothing has changed. One time after I restarted wow and got back in, I had a full queue as if it worked before it froze but I couldn't change any of the conversion rates to "purchase or "from alt", it just didn't work.
new rev should re-learn vendor conversions without all the /script mumbo jumbo. the first time it comes across a vendor conversion for a session, it will (silently) re-record it and only notify you if there's a change.
also, fixed the "create all" problem and added new cata data sets (herbs, ores, common skills, disenchants).
ravendos, that error comes from the code that configures the process button. the 243126 number is the recipeID. i can tell by the recipeID it's a vendor conversion because my vendor conversion recipeID's are 200000+itemID of the created item. so the item created by this recipeID is itemID 43126, which is ink of the sea. it would appear that your ink of the sea vendor conversion isn't providing the full data somehow. have you visited the ink vendor to re-learn the conversions?
Sadly that didn't do anything for me. As I said, I think it might be KTQ that is having the issue now, but if this error looks familiar that would be awesome... (well as awesome as an error is)
tradeID is nil for entry table: 23B0CA78 243126
That gets repeated very slowly in my chat frame over and over and over.
ravendos, i think that you might need to do another command:
/script[playerName] = {}
that will delete the recipe list for "playerName" (sub in your toon's name). this is basically a list of the spells you know (not the actual data, just a flag indicating this toon knows the spell/recipe). it's possible that vendor recipes are still being referenced here and causing a problem when it tries to find them and cannot (since they've been deleted). you don't need to reload, just browse ALL your tradeskills (including milling, common skills, vendor, etc) to add them back into the list.
see if that fixes things.
obviously, this needs to be handled automatically by gw. i'll probably just force it to re-learn recipes the first time you visit each session. if it detects a change, it'll note it.
feherandor, blizzard has changed the ink conversions a couple times now. the vendor conversion system doesn't currently have a means to re-learn recipes. i don't build in any of these recipes and instead require that you learn them from the vendors. i'll make this work better soon.
chocolatemalt, yeah. i need to get the personal auction scanner functioning. i want to make sure i sort out all my inventory issues first tho. should be soon.
Is there a way to enable AH inventory counts in the inventory column? I'd like to create new glyphs but can't do that without knowing which of them I've already got on the AH.
with inscription i found something.. ink of the sea is still being counted as reagent for vendor conversation, could you look into that? not really sure whats wrong, but somethings definitely not right there
I used the script you linked in your last reply to me,
/script GnomeWorksDB.vendorConversionRecipes = {} /reload
And now I think that broke it for KTQ for me. So I'm going to try to figure that one out now. I'm about 99% sure it's not gnomeworks that is causing a return of tradeID nil, but thought you should know that's what happened when I used the script. I'll poke around and let you know if the correction of the ethereal ink conversion helped.
sarah, the trainable stuff is kinda experimental. you shouldn't see any of those recipes, tho. the way it basically works is that when you visit a trainer, it records the levels at which you can train those recipes. it then compares those leves to your current level and adds them to the skill list if you meet the level requirement. did you visit a first aid trainer? is the worgen the toon that's logged in or are you viewing its first aid via a trade link?
anyway, you can turn them off by filtering for any difficulty other than trainable. but again, this was kind of a quick hack/experiment to help me level up a scribe and just see where it went. i think when i actually implement it for real, it'll be in some kind of "training mode" system.
and i haven't actually touched the frame stuff. that's how random and inexplicable it is.
ravendos, yeah, my mistake. i saw ink of the sea in the list and was thinking it was being suggested in order to do conversions rather than simply being used in some of your glyphs. duh. how are you buying? by clicking the "vendor" header to buy all or by clicking individual inks in the list? it could be the "buy all" functionality is stepping on itself in some fashion. also, make sure that all of your vendor conversions are accurate.
your second screen shot has 1045 total inks to buy. the first has only 867. the difference is 178 or 89+47+42 (the number of ethereal inks it purchased via conversion). i'm sure that's significant in some way. my hunch is that maybe your vendor conversions aren't all accurate. you should be able to browse them. make sure there are no iots conversions or anything else out of place.
edit: okay, i think i know what's up. check etherial ink's conversion recipe. they recently changed it to be a 1:1 conversion just a couple days ago. it's likely that you have the old recipe. i really need to figure out a way to relearn recipes on the fly...
Got the same problem, Create All does not work - Queue All -> process queue works though.
I'm not sure where you see that I am using the iots conversion. I have been using the new inks since... a bit ago. What you see in my screenshot is the addon telling me to convert 500ish of the new ink into iots, which can be done now...
So one more here who can't create all and really misses it. :-)
Also, can you explain how "Trainable" works? (If you haven't already.) I just made a brand-new level 8 worgen and trained first aid and not it says Trainable (5 recipes) Silk, Heavy Linen, Wool, Heavy Wool and Anti-Venom.
This is definitely not true as my first aid is 7 ⁄ 75. I wonder if it's mistaking the fact that I'm an apprentice and considering all apprentice-level recipes as available? Or is it just showing every trainer recipe? (We already have all recipes, so I'm not sure why you would want to put that in our recipe list.)
Also, is there a way to disable the trainable recipes? Even if it worked as I imagine is intended, to help us level by showing when new recipes become available, I'm not sure I want it for all my characters.
I haven't been seeing the unresponsive recipe list thing lately. I hope it's fixed, as it totally ruins usability. Thanks for looking at it. :-)
Happy Holidays!
you are a lifesaver. Thanks you. I did what you said and all is now well with the world. Also have the correct Vendor conversions a swell..
Hello Bowlam
i have had that problem to was your Queue Empty before you ran that CMD ? if not remove the Gnomework.lua in Your Savevariable folder in WTF ( WOW/WTF/ACC/Savevariable/gnomework.lua as it is the one that saves the vendor conevrsion.
what i did was move gnomework.lua from WTF to Desktop (With WOW Not Running) then start Wow And See if GW Works you might what to check the vendor conv and see if it is ok if not run the CMD again and reload then it should work. you can nowput the gnomework.lua you have on desktop in your trashcan.
Regards Hev
Heya LilSparky, love the program, truely! I do seem to be having an issue with the create all command, i.e. it's not working.
Also, as a side note, any chance of cleaning up the text on how many you can make of an item? Like, perhaps a (8) next to the text after the item name showing you can make them? Would love it, thanks!
Hey LS,
I ran this command today
/script GnomeWorksDB.vendorConversionRecipes = {}
to get the "Vendor"settings right with Jessica Sellers. It worked and now 1 for 1 with BVlackfallow is indicated. What it also did was to corrupt GW enough to make it not be able to generate a queue. As soon as I try to qyueue anything I get this error
I know it says r96 but it happened in r98 and this was me trying to go back to an earlier version. I am ru7nning all the latest versions of LSW, GW and KTQ
1x GnomeWorks-96\Queue.lua:529 attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
GnomeWorks-96\Queue.lua:499 in function <GnomeWorks\Queue.lua:414
GnomeWorks-96\Queue.lua:729 in function <GnomeWorks\Queue.lua:721
GnomeWorks-96\Queue.lua:1288 in function `ShowQueueList'
GnomeWorks-96\Queue.lua:2611 in function <GnomeWorks\Queue.lua:2611
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: in function `Show'
GnomeWorks-96\Window.lua:274 in function <GnomeWorks\Window.lua:274
player = "Odelio"
entry = <table> {
index = 0
parent = <table> {}
manualEntry = true
recipeID = 64256
reserved = <table> {}
noHide = true
subGroup = <table> {}
count = 72
numCraftable = 0
command = "create"
itemID = 45623
numNeeded = 72
tradeID = 45357
count = 72
results = <table> {
45623 = 1
reagents = <table> {
43120 = 3
39501 = 1
numCraftable = 72
cost = 0
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
1 = <table> {}
2 = <table> {}
3 = <table> {}
4 = <table> {}
5 = <table> {}
6 = <table> {}
7 = <table> {}
8 = <table> {}
9 = <table> {}
10 = <table> {}
11 = <table> {}
12 = <table> {}
13 = <table> {}
14 = <table> {}
(for control) = 5
k = 5
reagent = <table> {
numNeeded = 18
parent = <table> {}
recipeID = 243120
itemID = 43120
subGroup = <table> {}
count = 215
numCraftable = 232
command = "create"
priority = 1.25
reserved = <table> {}
index = 5
itemID = 43120
resultsReagent = <table> {
43120 = 1
reagentsReagent = <table> {
61978 = 1
tradeID = 100001
numAvailable = 215
stillNeeded = 215
GnomeWorks = <table> {
RecipeGroupPruneList = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:623
MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE = <function> @ GnomeWorks\FrameHooks\Mail.lua:70
InitGroupList = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:637
AddPseudoTrade = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:67
CancelTimer = <function> @ Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:311
ScanPseudoTrade = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:105
RecipeGroupAddSubGroup = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:230
InventoryScan = <function> @ GnomeWorks\Inventory.lua:467
SetInventoryCount = <function> @ GnomeWorks\Inventory.lua:166
TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE = <function> @ GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:1496
RecipeGroupConstructDBString = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:590
GetTradeIcon = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:112
AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW = <function> @ GnomeWorks\FrameHooks\AuctionHouse.lua:671
QueueWindow = GnomeWorksQueueFrame {}
RecipeGroupPasteEntry = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:270
RegisterMessageDispatch = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GnomeWorks.lua:75
ScheduleTimer = <function> @ Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:276
ShowReagents = <function> @ GnomeWorks\Details.lua:499
SelectEntry = <function> @ GnomeWorks\SkillList.lua:380
AddToQueue = <function> @ GnomeWorks\Queue.lua:1141
RegisterMessage = <function> @ Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
UnregisterMessage = <function> @ Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
data = <table> {}
RecipeGroupSort = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:441
SetFilterText = <function> @ GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:1511
queueFrame = <table> {}
ResetSkillSelect = <function> @ GnomeWorks\SkillList.lua:386
ExpandAllHeaders = <function> @ GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:588
MAIL_SHOW = <function> @ GnomeWorks\FrameHooks\Mail.lua:25
RecipeGroupOpRename = <function> @ GnomeWorks\RecipeGroups.lua:1005
GetTradeSkillIcon = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:206
warning = <function> @ GnomeWorks\GnomeWorks.lua:240
SpellCastStart = <function> @ GnomeWorks\Queue.lua:1439
DoTradeSkillUpdate = <function> @ GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:1379
ParseSkillList = <function> defined @GnomeWorks\SkillList.lua
Any ideas here please. I am using KTQ to actually queue the glyphs but it also happens if I try to queue one manually. I have also tried reverting back to earlier versions without success. Any help here is greatly appreciated.
derfla, i'm using mapster 1.40 with no problems at all. very odd. what you could do is go into the addonloader lua file and add two things to help debug. in the OnEvent function add at the top:
and then at the end of the file, add this:
that will print the addon_loaded events as they occur.
then you can add some prints to the gw load process to see when they occur in relation to the ADDON_LOADED events. if the load event comes after gw has supposedly registered that event, then something is broken. if it somehow comes before, then something is goofy in a different way...
ravendos, the one thing that strikes be immediately is that you have the "ink of the sea" conversion, it would appear. the new conversion is ... err... a different ink (blackfallow?). unfortunately, i need to add a means to re-learn vendor recipes in-game. for now you can do this:
/script GnomeWorksDB.vendorConversionRecipes = {}
and that will clear all your vendor recipes so you can re-learn the proper ones. see if that fixes thing.
subxero & hevreka, thanks for the data. i'll fold it in when i can. the holidays have me running around for the next few days.