New Functions Idea #1

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser220372
  • _ForgeUser2831963 created this issue Jul 16, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Function1:  Allow raid/party players to whisper you. Sometimes when im in a raid and people within this raid try to whisper me, its very lame because i dont want to add this people to my white/friends list.
    There should be an option that allowed only this people to whisper me, as long they are in the raid group. :)
    (Enable/Disable function)

    Function2: Trade Blockings - I dont know if thats able because im not well
    known with the lua coding etc.
    But would it be able to add a function that blocks only trade`s from people
    that arent in your friend/guild/white-list/raid ?
    Im not sure about that because its also able ingame to block whole text`s of
    blacklisted words/players.
    (Enable/Disable function)

    Function3: An Option that allows to control that Players below a choosen lvl arent allowed to whisper (also not with identifying).
    (Enable/Disable  Choose LVL Function)

  • _ForgeUser2831963 added the tags Enhancment New Jul 16, 2009
  • _ForgeUser2831963 edited title and description Jul 16, 2009
  • _ForgeUser220372 unassigned issue from _ForgeUser109555 Jul 18, 2009
  • _ForgeUser220372 posted a comment Jul 18, 2009

    Function 1 can be done.

    Function 2 should go into TweakHub as a new module.

    Function 3 could be done here, I'll have to think about how I want to do it though, as I personally use a whisper addon which handles this already so I don't want to conflict with that.

  • _ForgeUser220372 removed a tag New Jul 18, 2009
  • _ForgeUser220372 added a tag Accepted Jul 18, 2009
  • _ForgeUser220372 self-assigned this issue Jul 18, 2009

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