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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Go to a vendor that has something that requires something that is not gold to buy items. E.g. JP vendor or BS vendor2. Open the window and check tooltips3. Apply a filter so that one of the items gets replaced by something that needs a different type of money
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?I expected when I hover over the icon of the currency that the tooltip would show for that type of currency, but it shows the tooltip for what was the currency before it was filtered
What version of the product are you using?v1.0.8
Do you have an error log of what happened?No logs, but I have a screenshot. I have the "known" filter applied and I am hovering over an icon of "hardened elementium bar", but it shows "elementium bar" which is at that position on the screen when the filter is not applied.
Please provide any additional information below.Nothing more to add I think
This is happening for me too. I'm trying to pick up Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe from Paldesse in the Threads of Fate Dalaran. It's supposed to cost 1 chest token, but depending on what I set the filters to it looks like it costs a hand or glove token. (in each image I am hovering over the currency item for Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe)
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