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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Play the games at the Darkmoon Faire2.3.
Date: 2012-04-07 15:53:09ID: 1Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ..\AddOns\GreenRange\GreenRange.lua line 383: Attempt to find 'this' in non-table object (used '.' instead of ':' ?)Debug: [C]: ? [C]: Texture_SetVertexColor() GreenRange\GreenRange.lua:383: GreenRange\GreenRange.lua:366 [C]: ActionButton_UpdateUsable() ..\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:517: ActionButton_OnEvent() ..\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:141: ..\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:139AddOns: Swatter, v5.12.5198 (QuirkyKiwi) BadBoy, vv8.017 BagBrother, v Bagnon, v4.3.11 BagSync, v6.7.3 Clique, vv40300-1.5.1 DBMCore, v DBMDragonSoul, v DBMWorldEvents, v GreenRange, v InFlightLoad, v4.3.001 LagBar, v3.0 LootRollMover, v2.6 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.6.113 RealIDToons, v2.1.8 RightClickSelfCast, v2.0 tekJunkSeller, v2.3.2.1 TinyDPS, v0.94 tullaCC, v4.3.1 xanAuraTracker, v1.0 xanAutoMail, v1.8 xanChat, v2.8 xanDebuffTimers, v3.1 xanDurability, v2.4 xanErrorDevourer, v1.4 xanMiniRolls, v1.1 xanTooltipHoudini, v1.6 xanTooltipIcon, v1.5 xanUI, v2.1 Xqords, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.3.3.40300 <us> (ck=29e)
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