Adds manabars to the sides of Grid frames.
GridManaBars consist of two parts: a new bar indicator and a status which provides the power (mana, energy, rage, runepower) of an unit as a status. If you register the mana status with the bar indicator you get a mana bar (which should be set this way per default).
In case of Problems
Please use only the release versions of this addon! While I keep sure that every release version works with the latest Grid release I do not care if the latest alpha or beta versions do. I care even less if the latest alpha or beta of GridManaBars works with the latest alpha or beta of Grid. So if you encounter problems first make sure you are using the release version because if not it might happen I'll just ignore your ticket/question/whatever :-).
Note: GridManaBars has to hack itself somewhat into Grid in a way not supported by Grid. Most times this works well but it can cause trouble (especially after an update of Grid). So if you encounter any Problems with Grid and you have this addon installed try disabling GridManaBars before you create a ticket for Grid itself. If the problem disappears when you disable GridManaBars you can create a ticket for this addon instead for Grid itself. The authors of Grid have enough tickets to handle they don't need to handle tickets caused by this addon too.
WHERE do I find this "SavedVariables"???? I cannot find it.
any chance of an update to this? been quite a while.
Why do you need an update? Isn't it working?
The only thing outdated is the toc version which causes the addon to be displayed as "outdated" in WoW (like most other that are practically finished and work fine and therefore aren't updated regularly anymore).
This addon causes Grid to have profile switching issues. If I am in a raid and I am out of combat and try to switch profiles then it causes a big lua error. I worked out that it was this addon causing it.
The addon still works for me. It works in MoP 5.11a. If it's not working, maybe you should disable a few addons to see if you can get it to work.
This addon being out of date provides very limited functionality. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'd love for you to update!
Please see the ticket for this problem:
Currently broken. Using latest version. :(
Agreed, no mana bars with this addon. I hope you will have time to fix - I use Grid exclusively - no other party or raid frames and not being able to assess mana is painful.
Mana bars not showing since 5.0.4.
It is indeed a problem that GridManaBars is "outdated." I will sincerely appreciate it if you upgrade it. I find myself relying on this addon heavily during raids.
I have found an ad hoc solution to this problem. You can load this "out of date" addon by following these steps:
1. Go to character selection screen;
2. Click the little red "AddOn" button on the lower left side of the screen;
3. Check "Load out of date AddOns" on the upper right side of the window "AddOn List;"
4. Make sure that GridManaBars is checked on the list of addons.
Mana bars no longer showing after WOW update on April 18. Please update! Love this addon
No update? :-(
In catalog SavedVariables edit file Grid.lua:
["manabar"] = {
["unit_mana"] = true,
The default focus color can also be changed just like the other power bars.