Separate indicator with timer (and counter) for: Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Riptide, Earthliving, Earth Shield, Renew, Grace, Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis, Inspiration, Ancestral Fortitude and Beacon of Light.
Notice that GridStatusHots does not output icons, only colors and texts, so it will not work if displayed in e.g. the "Center Icon" indicator.
IMPORTANT (r174 alpha / beta or newer): ALL STATUSES SHOULD NOW BE DISABLED BY DEFAULT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO MANUALLY (RE-)ENABLE THEM! (e.g. Grid -> Status -> My Hots -> My Renew -> check enabled)
For me it works perfectly with the alpha release for 3.1.0 (tracking of my own Beacon of Light that is)
Or at least let us non-techies know what to do (step by step if possible)?
thank you :)
I'm surprised nobody has reported this, but this mod appears to be completely broken for tracking one's own hots. "My Lifebloom" for instance tracks the same as "Buff: Lifebloom," so now I'm seeing every other druid's hot timers =(
Am I the only one facing this bug since tuesday?
1) mentioned alrdy it shows the other ppl hots
2) even with "hot counter" disabled it still shows next to lifebloom the hot counter
3) lifebloom stack colours, something not working right i change the colours in the menu but it doesn't work
Thank you~
(rename it to a .lua)
But you should ALSO make sure you fix your GridStatusAuras.lua using this guide:
in GridStatusHots find
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
after it add
if bismine == "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
after it add
if bismine = "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
but my server is down... need to test
I uploaded the patched GridStatusHots.lua file to this URL, if anyone just wants to install the file instead of editing it:
or, for a directly downloadable link:
Fix can be found here:
I saw the same thing last night in uldar, but I'm not convinced it's this addon that is causing the issue. One of the druids was running healbot and I was running Grid. We *both* saw each other's hots and in some cases they were being merged (his lb + my lb = grid showing 2 stack). I run libhealcomm3 to pickup incoming heals from healbot users (as it embeds the library) -- I'm thinking that is where the problem or is at least a contributer to the issue.
Note: The other two trees are healbot users, and they did not have any of my hots or each others hots showing up on healbot. The problem seemed grid specific. I didn't think to ask the priests about renew crossover...