Separate indicator with timer (and counter) for: Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Riptide, Earthliving, Earth Shield, Renew, Grace, Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis, Inspiration, Ancestral Fortitude and Beacon of Light.
Notice that GridStatusHots does not output icons, only colors and texts, so it will not work if displayed in e.g. the "Center Icon" indicator.
IMPORTANT (r174 alpha / beta or newer): ALL STATUSES SHOULD NOW BE DISABLED BY DEFAULT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO MANUALLY (RE-)ENABLE THEM! (e.g. Grid -> Status -> My Hots -> My Renew -> check enabled)
Good point. I usually track it anyway just as an FYI, in conjunction with a guesstimate of shield strength with gridstatusshield or gridstatusabsorb.
Same category as Holypriest (and Pally) Mastery: not necessary, because you don't know how much it absorbs. Could be 8k or 500. And could be on 10 people at the same time.
What about time left on Divine Aegis? y/n/llama?
This is the error I am getting:
Date: 2010-10-29 17:40:58
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\GridStatusHots\GridStatusHots.lua line 1544:
attempt to call method 'ScheduleRepeatingEvent' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
Grid\GridCore.lua:136: EnableModules()
Grid\GridCore.lua:91: OnEnable()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
Grid\GridCore.lua:266: EnableModules()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:543: EnableAddon()
[C]: LoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:242: UIParentLoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:316: TimeManager_LoadUI()
Swatter, v5.9.4960 (WhackyWallaby)
Ace3, v
AtlasLoot, vv5.11.07
AtlasLootFu, vv5.11.07
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
Bagnon, v2.14.0
BagnonForever, v1.1.2
BagnonTooltips, v
Bartender4, v4.4.13
BeanCounter, v5.9.4960 (WhackyWallaby)
BonusScanner, v5.3.1
Clique, vv40000-1.2.11
Configator, v5.1.DEV.278
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.275
ElkBuffBars, v2.2.5-150
FuBar, v
FuBarMoneyFu, vv1.2.4
FuBarRestFu, vv1.3.5
GearScore, v3.1.20 - Release
Grid, v1.40000.1370
GridIndicatorText3, v40000-1
GridManaBars, v1.02
GridSideIndicators, v4.0.1-1
GridStatusAFK, v3.2.0.40
GridStatusHots, v3.32
GridStatusRaidDebuff, vv3.01
GridStatusRaidIcons, v40000-2
GridStatusRDBC, v1.0
GridStatusRDWotLK, v1.0
LibRock10, v
Omen, v3.0.11
OmniCC, v3.1.4
Quartz, v3.0.4
RatingBuster, v
Recount, v
RecountGuessedAbsorbs, v
RecountHealAndGuessedAbsorbs, v
sct, v6.2
sctd, v3.1
SlideBar, v5.9.4960 (WhackyWallaby)
Stubby, v5.9.4960 (WhackyWallaby)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.1.40000 <us>
Yeah, more options! ;) I'll think about it...
I agree, except that I find that 'stack-dash-timer' is too bulky relative to the rest of my indicators, especially with the decimal place, so I modded mine to combine both lifebloom modes together. It displays the stack colors, until the duration drops below the threshold for the duration colors, then it displays the duration colors.
I would suggest making this standard- with the right options you can have one lifebloom indicator that could be customized either way- but I understand it may not be for everyone, and probably more work than it's worth to you.
You're right, Lifebloom colored by duration is indeed fixed. I LOVE showing lifebloom that way because it does the stack-dash-timer thing (i.e. 2-9) rather than just the timer alone. It's so useful to have both the stack and the timer in numbers in the same spot.
Hrm, now you have me thinking that showing the stack-dash-timer for Mending would be awesomesauce as well.
If I disable "My Wild Growth" under status My Hots the lag goes away, I did this...but it would be nice to be able to see my WG vs others thanks!
I am having lag when casting Wild Growth with GridStatusHots enabled. If I only cast other spells I do not get lag, and if I disable GSH I do not get the lag...but I love this add on and find it very important to my healing. This was not fixed with r168, could you please look into it?
Should be fixed now.
A: r167 build: I did notice that while Lifebloom colored by stack works great, Lifebloom colored by duration is just not showing up at all. I apologize if this has already been brought to your attention.
decimal place should be active by default, just added an option to turn it off. if it's not working, please tell me.
I most definitely need the decimal place myself or I won't know when the bloom expires.
i use grid + gridstatushots + GridIndicatorCornerIcons
show others HoTs but not PoM
Grid->Indicators->Corner Text Top Right = Hots: My Beacon of Light (checked)
Grid->Status->My Hots->Hots: Beacon of Light is enabled.
Anyone else not having timers for hots not showing?