Uploaded by
UploadedOct 16, 2008
Size6.41 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.2
r31 | dashkal | 2008-10-17 03:25:41 +0000 (Fri, 17 Oct 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /tags/v0.9 (from /trunk:30)
Tagging as 0.9
r30 | dashkal | 2008-10-17 03:23:55 +0000 (Fri, 17 Oct 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk
M /trunk/GridStatusParty.toc
TOC Bump - Tested in 3.0.2 with no problems
r29 | root | 2008-09-29 21:59:48 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /trunk/.pkgmeta
Facilitate WowAce-on-CurseForge transition
r27 | root | 2008-09-29 20:58:09 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
D /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty
A /trunk (from /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty:26)
Importing old repo data under /trunk
r24 | ananhaid | 2008-05-23 14:32:46 +0000 (Fri, 23 May 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.toc
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/zhCN.lua
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/zhTW.lua
- add zhCN/zhTW locale.
r23 | kunda | 2008-05-20 18:19:23 +0000 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.lua
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.toc
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/deDE.lua
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/enUS.lua
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/koKR.lua
- status header text (in config) starts now with 'Party: '
- added icons
- added deDE
r21 | sayclub | 2008-04-10 04:34:58 +0000 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.toc
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/koKR.lua
- Added koKR translation
r20 | dashkal | 2008-04-10 03:24:45 +0000 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.lua
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/LICENSE.TXT
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/enUS.lua
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/readme.txt
- Fixed a bug where party leadership did not track correctly
- Adjusted the default priorities so ML > RA
- Changed the text indicators to use abbreviations (RL for Raid Leader, etc)
- Fixed the license to be standard BSD-2 as intended
- Added a readme (gasp)
r19 | dashkal | 2008-04-09 02:39:41 +0000 (Wed, 09 Apr 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/LICENSE.TXT
GridStatusParty: Added LICENSE.TXT
r18 | dashkal | 2008-04-09 02:33:24 +0000 (Wed, 09 Apr 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.lua
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/GridStatusParty.toc
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale
A /tmp/trunk/GridStatusParty/locale/enUS.lua
GridStatusParty: Adds status indicators for party flags (Party leader, Raid leader, Raid assist, Master looter)