Fixing Ticket #910 (Profile spec switch did not work with blizzard automatic spec change in LFG).
Better display of buffs/debuffs info tooltips in Configuration.
Added some comments for internal use.
Added missing title header to multi-bar indicator configuration.
Smalls appearance adjustements.
Added "Typeless" debuff type status.
Added Typed/Untyped debuffs filter to "Debuffs" status.
Refactored some code in "Debuffs" statuses, now a filter code is generated and compiled in run-time to speed up aura filtering process.
Now RaidDebuffs reloads the raid debuffs when the subzone changes if the previous zone was a "wrong" zone.
Some refactoring in configuration code. Now indicators and statuses can be deleted using a cross icon displayed on topright.
Now Multiline editboxes in buffs and debuffs statuses fill the whole available area.