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UploadedNov 16, 2022
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Supported WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Versions
- 3.4.0
2.0.67 (2022-11-16)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Retail TOC Updated
- Fixing Grid2 displaying wrong Dev version.
- Classic: Now Mists of pandaria raid debuffs module is ignored.
- Added Evoker to layouts group ordering, (CF issue #1148)
Retail: Readded Mists of Pandaria raid debuffs module.
Dragonflight: Added missing mythic+ dungeons debuffs in raid debuffs, thanks to kayti-wow.
Raid Debuffs: Fixing crash in "Show in Encounter Journal" option. - Fixing incorrect duration for "Show if missing" buffs/debuffs.
- Dragonflight: Added some dungeon debuffs in raid debuffs module.
- Dragonflight: Added "Vault of the Incarnates" Raid Debuffs.
- RaidDebuffs: Added Dragonflight module with dungeons and new raid but no debuffs yet.
- Now CompactRaidFrames manager is set to full transparent if hide blizzard raid frames option is enabled (workaround to fix CF issue #1143)
- Wrath: Added icons for primary&secondary specs in themes section.
Enabled Spec profiles for Wrath.
Enabled Class&Spec Load filter in statuses for Wrath. -
Merge pull request #87 from mohcow/mohcow-patch-1
Update GridUtils.lua -
Update GridUtils.lua
adjust "dispellable by me" filter for new talent system - Enabled Vehicle Status for Wotlk Classic
- Retail: Bug Fix in the vehicle swap code (CF issue #1138)