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UploadedMar 7, 2012
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.3.0
r665 | michaelspain | 2012-03-08 05:53:14 +0000 (Thu, 08 Mar 2012) | 9 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHealsOptions.lua
M /trunk/GridCore.lua
M /trunk/GridFrame.lua
M /trunk/GridIndicator.lua
M /trunk/GridStatus.lua
M /trunk/Options/Grid2Options.toc
D /trunk/Options/GridBlink.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridCore.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridDebug.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridExportImport.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridFrame.lua
A /trunk/Options/GridGeneral.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridIndicators.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridLayout.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridLayoutEditor.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridStatuses.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridTestIndicators.lua
D /trunk/Options/GridTestLayout.lua
A /trunk/Options/GridUtils.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esES.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhTW.lua
A /trunk/Options/media (from /trunk/Options/textures:642)
A /trunk/Options/modules
A /trunk/Options/modules/general
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridAbout.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridBlink.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridDebug.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridExportImport.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridFrame.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridHideBlizzardFrames.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridLayout.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridLayouts.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridLayoutsEditor.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridLoadOnDemand.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridProfile.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridTestIndicators.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridTestLayout.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridTextFormat.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/Indicator.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorAlpha.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorBar.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorBorder.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorIcon.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorSquare.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/IndicatorText.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/NewIndicator.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/StatusesIndicator.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/indicators/TypeIndicator.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/Status.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusAura.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusAuraNew.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusBanzai.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusColor.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusColorNew.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusDirection.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusHealth.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusMana.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusMisc.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusRaidIcon.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusRange.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusReadyCheck.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusRole.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusShields.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusShieldsBoss.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusThreat.lua
A /trunk/Options/modules.xml
D /trunk/Options/textures
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusShieldsBoss.lua
Grid2Options trillion changes:
- This module has been full refactored, all code splitted in small files, rewrited and simplified, now its much more easy to maintain and understand.
- Some little visual changes in statuses: more information is displayed for each status, like the indicator compatibility.
- Raid debuffs configuration has been moved to Statuses -> Debuffs -> Raid Debuffs.
- Implemented a load on demand feature, now the status and indicator configuration is loaded when the user clicks on each option, this has some advantages:
* Reduces the initial load time and memory usage.
* The options window will be displayed even if some status/indicator option crashes.
* If this new feature generates any problem, it can be disabled in General -> Miscelaneous tab.
r663 | Sayclub | 2012-03-05 10:36:36 +0000 (Mon, 05 Mar 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Options/locales/koKR.lua
M /trunk/locales/koKR.lua
koKR update
r662 | michaelspain | 2012-03-04 17:41:34 +0000 (Sun, 04 Mar 2012) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Options/GridStatuses.lua
Grid2Options: fixing (ticket #281):
If a global table called "options" was declared by any another addon,
Grid2Options was accidentally using this variable, generating a crash.
The only addon i know that declares a global "options" variable,
is DPSTime, but its not maintained so the bug in DPStime cannot be fixed.
r661 | michaelspain | 2012-03-03 07:15:22 +0000 (Sat, 03 Mar 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LDB/Grid2LDB.lua
D /trunk/LDB/icon.tga
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
A /trunk/media/icon.tga
M /trunk/modules/StatusAuras.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRange.lua
Auras: "show if not mine" option was not working fixed (i wish not tested)
Other minor fixes.
r660 | michaelspain | 2012-02-25 18:05:05 +0000 (Sat, 25 Feb 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Options/GridBlink.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/RaidDebuffsBC.lua
Raid debuffs: Fixing ticket #278, configuration must not crash now if a spell does not exists, removed no existant spell in zulaman zone.
r659 | michaelspain | 2012-02-25 03:42:52 +0000 (Sat, 25 Feb 2012) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHealsDefaults.lua
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHealsOptions.lua
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHealsStatusNeighbors.lua
M /trunk/Options/Grid2Options.toc
M /trunk/Options/GridBlink.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridCore.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridStatuses.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esES.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
A /trunk/modules/StatusRole.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusRoleDungeon.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusRoleRaid.lua
M /trunk/modules.xml
Raid Debuffs module: Zone changes were not detected so rauddebuffs for a new zone were not loaded, fixed.
aoe-neighbors: Added a health threshold option for this status (not tested).
Role related statuses: Added a "Hide in combat" option for all role statuses.
Buff/debuff creation: Added Ace-Gui spell-edit-box wigdet, a dropdown list with available buffs/debuffs is displayed now.
r658 | michaelspain | 2012-02-22 23:26:45 +0000 (Wed, 22 Feb 2012) | 8 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Options/locales/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esES.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Options/locales/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusShieldsBoss.lua
Raid Debufs module has been full rewritten to support multiple statuses (report any posible crash or issue with the new module)
Now up to 4 additional statuses can be created: Raid Debuffs(2), Raid Debufs(3), etc.
In Raid Debufs General tab, two new buttons to create or remove the extra statuses has been added.
In Advanced options each debuff can be assigned individually to a different Raid debuff status.
Now when the track by spell id option is enabled for a debuff, all debuffs with the same name will
be automatically tracked by spell id too.
Some changes in boss shields status to fix a bug that prevents to hide the status when the shield was gone,
not tested yet
r657 | michaelspain | 2012-02-19 06:18:58 +0000 (Sun, 19 Feb 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
Oops, I broke the raid debuffs configuration if some change was done inside a instance, fixed.
r656 | michaelspain | 2012-02-19 05:39:20 +0000 (Sun, 19 Feb 2012) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Grid2.toc
M /trunk/GridCore.lua
M /trunk/GridFrame.lua
M /trunk/GridIndicator.lua
M /trunk/GridRoster.lua
M /trunk/GridStatus.lua
A /trunk/GridUtils.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridStatuses.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusAFK.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusAuras.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusBanzai.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusColor.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusDirection.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusHealth.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusMana.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusName.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusOffline.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusPvP.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRange.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRes.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRoleDungeon.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRoleRaid.lua
A /trunk/modules/StatusShieldsBoss.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusTarget.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusThreat.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusVehicle.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusVoiceComm.lua
M /trunk/modules.xml
- More optimizations.
- boss-shields status has been included in grid2 (Grid2BossShields is not needed anymore as separate addon),see Miscelaneous statuses group.
- Raid debuffs instance detection has been improved (previous version did not load Dragon Soul debuffs if the player was in Ultraxion zone).
r655 | michaelspain | 2012-02-16 04:38:48 +0000 (Thu, 16 Feb 2012) | 14 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHealsDefaults.lua
D /trunk/Arrows32-32x32.tga
M /trunk/GridBlink.lua
M /trunk/GridCore.lua
M /trunk/GridDefaults.lua
M /trunk/GridFrame.lua
M /trunk/GridLayout.lua
M /trunk/GridRoster.lua
M /trunk/GridSetup.lua
M /trunk/GridStatus.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridDebug.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridStatuses.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridTestLayout.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffs/Grid2RaidDebuffs.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2RaidDebuffsOptions.lua
D /trunk/gradient32x32.tga
M /trunk/locales/esES.lua
A /trunk/media
A /trunk/media/Arrows32-32x32.tga
A /trunk/media/gradient32x32.tga
A /trunk/media/white16x16.tga
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorBar.lua
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorIcon.lua
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorSquare.lua
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorText.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusAFK.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusAuras.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusBanzai.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusClassColor.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusColor.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusCreatureColor.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusDirection.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusDungeonRole.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusFriendColor.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusHealth.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusMana.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusName.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusOffline.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusPvP.lua
A /trunk/modules/StatusRaidIcon.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRange.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusReadyCheck.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusRes.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusRole.lua
A /trunk/modules/StatusRoleDungeon.lua
A /trunk/modules/StatusRoleRaid.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusShields.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusTarget.lua
D /trunk/modules/StatusTargetIcon.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusThreat.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusVehicle.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusVoiceComm.lua
M /trunk/modules.xml
D /trunk/white16x16.tga
Warning !!! massive internal changes have been made to reduce memory usage and clean up a bit the core code, this is really an alpha version, keep with lastest beta version if you dont want to experiment:
*Statuses default values are not saved in profiles, this will reduce the memory and disk usage specially if multiple profiles are used: saving about 200k of memory (for 32bits client, 400k for 64bits client) with 3 profiles for example, and reducing the saved variables file size by 60%-70%.
*Some statuses has been included in the same file and/or refactored to avoid code duplication.
*Grid2Layout positioning code has been refactored.
*Added the blizzard units dropdown menu to the Grid2 unit frames:
-Grid2 does not provide any way to display this menu, Clique (or similiar addon) is needed to be able to display the menu (binding some mouse or keyboard combination to the "unit menu").
-Warning: the Set Focus option will fail, blizzard has been broken this option long time ago and cannot be used by any addon.
*RaidDebuffs options:
Now raid-debufs list is sorted by priority, to change the priorities disable and reenable the raid-debufs in a different order, first debuff enabled has more priority than last debuff enabled.
r653 | michaelspain | 2012-02-11 06:55:28 +0000 (Sat, 11 Feb 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorIcon.lua
Fixing a bug in icon-indicators: Stacks text gets hidden when a debuff has no expiration or duration time and cooldown animation is enabled.