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UploadedJan 5, 2015
Size547.16 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.3
r739 | michaelspain | 2015-01-05 21:46:22 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jan 2015) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GridLayoutLayouts.lua
M /trunk/Options/GridUtils.lua
M /trunk/locales/esES.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusHealth.lua
Cleaned some layouts related code, and added a new layout. Now all 40 layouts are selectable in any raid size.
Fixed ticket 395.
Added new event to catch health changes.
r738 | michaelspain | 2015-01-05 16:49:17 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jan 2015) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/AoeHeals/AoeHeals.lua
M /trunk/Options/modules/general/GridLayoutsEditor.lua
M /trunk/Options/modules/statuses/StatusHealth.lua
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/RaidDebuffsWoD.lua
M /trunk/modules/IndicatorBar.lua
M /trunk/modules/StatusHealth.lua
Fix for wrong bars positions when background color is enabled in bar indicators.
Fix aoeheals crash in big raids.
Now custom layouts can be selected for any raid size (already made layouts must be recreated)
Added heals multiplier configuration option for incoming heals indicator (its not accurate, use with caution).
Fix incorrect zoneId for Spires of Arak instance.
r737 | zuz666 | 2014-12-09 06:36:25 +0000 (Tue, 09 Dec 2014) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/modules/StatusShields.lua
Added Clarity of Will (Priest) to Shields absorb status
r736 | gragagrogog | 2014-12-02 18:29:14 +0000 (Tue, 02 Dec 2014) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/RaidDebuffsOptions/RaidDebuffsWoD.lua
Added WoD RaidDebuffs list from SkamerEU.