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What version of Grid2 are you using (Version is displayed in General/About Tab) ?
What game client version, classic or retail, windows or mac and language are you using ?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
whenever i get in combat frames change transparency to like when u are out of rangedDid you try having Grid2 as the only enabled addon and everything else disabled?
yes same thing happens
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
was working yday
Do you have an error log of what happened? If you don't see any errors, make sure that error reporting is enabled (`/console scriptErrors 1`) or install [BugSack](
no but i can provide screenshot:
Please provide any additional information below.
u can see here what i mean. its a picture link from wetransfer:
the moment i enter combat they fade out like that. the moment combat is finished they go back to normal colours etc
this seems to happen when i am solo. in groups its fine
It seems your nameplates are fade out too, are you sure you are not using some weakaura that is fading out the unit frames ?
Check which statuses are linked to the alpha indicator, only range status should be linked.
Test the issue with weakauras completelly disabled.
My grid is doing the exact same thing. No errors at all. As soon as combat ends the frames go back to normal. Retail WoW, Version Grid2-2.4.1. It was updated yesterday according to curseforge.
according to plater discord blizzard changed something with tdy's update that messes with that :/
michaelsp i checked with everything disabled btw. still happening. so i assumed its what blizzard changed affecting it?
Seeing the same problem, definitely related to Blizzard's change to range checking
It seems that Blizzard restricted the api used to check ranges in a hotfix just this afternoon. For now the only workaround in Grid2 is to change the range check method.
Goto Statuses/Targeting&Distances/range (and rangeAlt too if you are using this alternative range status)
1. If the toon is a healer select "Heal" in the "Range" option.
2. If the toon is not a healer select "Spell" in the Range option, then you have to setup one friendly spell and one hostile spells to check the ranges. For example for a Mage the "Arcane Intellect" spell can be used as friendly spell.
Avoid using 10,28, and 38 yards range options, they cannot be used in combat anymore.
* The "Heal" range option may not work well if target, focus or bosses unit frames are enabled in Grid2, in this case use the "Spell" range option not the "Heal" Range.
*The 38 yards range should work in group or raid (not when solo) if no enemy frames are tracked with grid2 unit frames (no bosses/target/focus frames enabled)
Update to Grid2 2.5.1 version:
- Now 10 and 28 Ranges have been removed, the addon will use 38 yards range instead..
- Now for some classes (warrior, demonhunter, and hunter) the range check cannot be calculated for friendly units that are not in raid, this affects to target/focus and bosss frames, not the standard group/raid friendly frames; for this classes if the range cannot be calculated, the addon assumes the units are always in range.
-For some classes the range calculated for non-grouped units is not exactly 38 yards, for example can be 30 yards for a evoker or 43 yards for a hunter, depending on the build, talents and the spells used to check the range.
Sorry for the inconsistencies but Blizzard made a mess with this unannounced hotfix, and i have not time to think and implement a more consistent or better fix. As far as i know without the removed API, now it is not possible to calculate distances and ranges correctly in the game.
In the new modules\StatusRange.lua, Rogue class data is missing from "range spells data", which causes error when playing as Rogue.
I was able to fix this by adding the following three lines between lines 69 and 70.
elseif playerClass == 'ROGUE' then getHostile = function() return 1725 end -- Distract getFriendly = function() return nil end -- no avail
Thanks, Update to version 2.5.2.
I used shadowstep and sap because Distract can only be used when stealthed.
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