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Add a checkbox that when you change the rank of someone, it updates all their alts to the same rank? Obviously this would require LibAlts / Alts to set alts. But if there is data, why not. You could dialog the list with an "okay" button to make sure they know the names first.
So, I can search mains only, set their main and alts ranks in one click.
If you really wanted to get complex, you could add the ability to change the rank of all alts to a different rank.
In my guild, I try to keep mains / alts all the same rank, but I can envision a guild where a main is one rank and alts are another rank.
Then, you want to promote a player and perhaps the alt also gets promoted. In my case to the same rank, but other guilds might be to a different alt rank.
The ultimate goal here is not to seek out all the alts and change them one at a time.
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